♡Clover 6♡

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I didn't own any character of the anime or the episode, but I did own my chapter and OC.

No one POV

"W-what did you said?!" yelled Kaito as he was surprised what he just heard. All the students in the class look at them, even (Y/n) also noticed them.

Aoko was blushing. "W-what? Don't make me tell you again. I ask you to go date with me!" said Aoko while stamp her hand on his desk. "Ahaha... Seriously?" Kaito sweatdrops.

"Will you do it or not?" asked Aoko. Kaito look away with blush on his face. "Tch! Who want to go out with a hag like you." complained him. Aoko heard his answer and she lay on the window. Her face was look so sad. "I know.. I know, but-" her tears about to fall. "..still, I'm begging you." said Aoko. Kaito look at her feeling guilty.

He look away to hide his blush. "Fine.." murmured him. Aoko look at him as he agree. Her sad become to cheer and she giggles. "Really?! Then, I'll see you at Tropical Land on Sunday~! Its a promise~!" said Aoko then walk away to her friends.

Kaito only standing and suprised as he remember the day that he will steal the Angel's Crown for second after he failed to stole it at the first.

"Wow~ I never thought my ship will come true that fast.." said (Y/n) smirking at Kaito. Kaito look at her with amused. "What do you mean? She just wanted to date. Doesn't mean we're couple." said Kaito. "Well, who knows~ A clown got crush by his own childhood~ heee~" teased her.

"Ugh! You more creepier than Aoko." said Kaito. A pencil that (Y/n) holding suddenly turn into half as she broke it. "Said one more time, Bocchan~" said her as darkness aura feels around her.

Suddenly, there was a three girls come around Kaito with anger on their faces. "Kaito-kun! You've done it again!" said one of them. "Stop peeping in on the girl's locker room, you pervert!" said the other.

Kaito only smile and take out a padlock in his pocket and show it at the girls. "Its your fault for using such a cheap lock." said Kaito then throw the padlock at on of them then walk away while the girl look at the padlock and suprised as it changing into flower. The three girls look at him with all anger and start run aftering him.

"I wasn't tried to peep! I heard you had a mouse problem, so I thought I do help you get rid of it!" yelled Kaito. "Like we all believe you, idiot!" said the trio and just continue aftering him.

(Y/n) look at them only smiles then look at Aoko who just staring at them. I feels something is wrong here. thought (Y/n).


Lunch break time, (Y/n) open the door of top roof and walk out while munching her bread. She then noticed Aoko who was sitting on the floor thinking about her problem.

"Aoko-chan~! What are you thin~king right now~?" said (Y/n) as her face appear infront her causing her surprised. "(Y/n)-chan, you surprising me!!" said Aoko and (Y/n) laughed.

"Gomen, gomen.. I just want to wake you from day dream." said her. Aoko face suddenly change into sad mood back. (Y/n) noticed about that. "Did something happen?" asked (Y/n).

"Well, its about Otou-san." answered Aoko. (Y/n) eyes blinks. "Whats wrong with him?" asked (Y/n) back.

"Last night, we got a bit quarrel. He was the one who start it first. You know what? He said that Kaito is actually Kaitou Kid." (Y/n) eyes widen as she heard the answer. Aoko continue. "..I said I don't believe him. Otou-san said about Kid next heist was at next night Sunday." said Aoko.

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