❖Clover 8❖

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No one POV

"(Y/n), do you have Uta-kun number?!" asked Keiko stamping on her desk in the class. (Y/n) blink as she heard her while Keiko is blushing. "Umm.. I do.. but what do you want with him? Wait, how did you know about Kumori?" asked her swestdropping.

Keiko blushing. "W-well.. He and his friend are the one who did save me and Aoko week ago, Aoko told me to ask his number from you since you know him." said Keiko.

(Y/n) blink and look at Aoko behind Keiko who is nagging Kaito for making fun of her. She look back to Keiko. "Sure.. But make sure you don't ask any stupid question to him." said her as she take out her phone and sent the number to Keiko.

Keiko look at her message and jump in happily. "Thanks (Y/n), you're the best." "Yeah, yeah.. what ever.." said her.

Suddenly, Konno-sensei enter the class while all student get their sit.

"Class, today we have new student who will join us." said Konno-sensei while Kaito ignore the statement look at his tablet and Aoko trying to stop him from keep reading the news.

All the student give a silent as they look at the new student along with (Y/n) who suprised at his appearance.

"September 4, 09:01:32:41 a.m.. I've exchanged school from London Bridge High School.."

Kaito curious. "This line.." while (Y/n) eyes widen of shock. No way!!! thought her look at the blonde hair boy.

"I'm Saguru Hakuba. Nice to meet you." said Hakuba make all the girls in the class screaming fangirls except for Aoko who just smiles and (Y/n) making a face disbelief along with Kaito.



At night, after dinner. "Ugh! What a pain.." said (Y/n) as she put her head on the desk while Uta making hot chocolate. "Well, that might be interesting." said Uta while put the mug infront her. "Yeah, but that just annoy me. What will happen if he know my identity? What if he just drag me into the jail?!" said her while imagine that happen. "Thats totally worst.." she put her face on the desk weeping while Uta sweatdrop.

Suddenly, her mind got pops out and smiles to Uta. "Kumori, can you do one of my favor?" asked with puppy eyes. "If you ask me to be a practical teacher at your school, absolutely I won't do." said him directly make her got hit by a rock of failures.

"Don't you think that detective will notice both of us if you keep meet me and spying him?" Explained Uta. "You're right." muttered her.

She stand from her place and go to the main door. "Where are you going?" asked Uta. "Just take some fresh." said her. "Well, come back home before midnight." said Uta. "I know.." answered her before she close the door.

Uta sigh and smiles. "She really didn't noticed about Kid also have the same situation." said him.


Uta blow out the water he drink as he heard Kaito story at the restaurant after school period. He wipe his mouth. "You're not kidding right?" said Uta. "Yeah, it seems too hard for me. I thought my life already save after that little Detective. Ugh! What a pain." complained Kaito.

"By the way, there is a painting I've got from 'Adam's Smile'. Jii-chan said there is a gem behind it." said Kaito. "Well, unfortunately. Thats not the gem you looking for." said Uta make Kaito suprised.

"I know, I already check it on hidden website." said Uta while drinking coffee. "I wonder why you keep aftering that Pandora and you also know thats dangerous." said Uta while glaring at Kaito.

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