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My bed dipped beside me and I slowly came out of unconsciousness. I wondered what time it was, if it was early or if I overslept again. I kept my eyes closed and waited for my company to talk, pulling my blankets up to my neck.

"Ready to wake up, kiddo? My car is leaving in twenty minutes." He kissed my temple and stood up to leave, flipping my light on as he walked out.

"Dad!" I groaned. He always did this to wake me up, knowing I hated it. I had chemo today and I was happy he was bringing me. Mom had some business meetings or some shit probably. I eventually climbed out of bed and changed into a pair of old sweatpants and a Fall Out Boy t-shirt. I checked my phone as I walked downstairs to meet my dad. I had only one new text and it was from Ashton.

Good luck today :)

I smiled at my phone and slid it in my pocket after texting back a thanks.

"You nervous?" he asked on the drive.

I shrugged. "Yeah," I told him the truth. You'd think I would be used to this by now. Chemotherapy. Sitting there in the cold, white walled hospital room with an IV stuck up my arm administering me the drugs. But I wasn't. I don't think I would ever be used to it. The only thing that made it better was Michael and Luke.

"How are you today, Mads?" Luke asked as I walked into the chemo room, setting my bag down by my chair.

"Alright. Dad woke me up kinda late again. What about you guys?"

"Michael here thinks he can beat me at FIFA later today, but I told him that he is going to get his ass kicked."

"You're getting your ass kicked Hemmings," Michael shot back.

I laughed at their banter as Calum came into the chemo room. I felt my face heat and my body stiffen. "Madison?" he asked, walking over to me. I nodded. "Ok, just need you to sign this before the nurse comes and puts in the IV." He didn't look at me as he spoke, but more at the wall behind me.

I bit my lip as I took the clipboard and pen from him. "Here you go," I tried smiling at him, hoping he would smile back. Our hands brushed as he took the clipboard back and I felt electricity pass between us.

"Thanks. The nurse should be in shortly," his lips curved up slightly and I'm sure my cheeks were bright red.

"Mads!" Michael exclaimed once Calum was out of the room.

"What?" I asked, pulling out a magazine from my bag.

"You totally have a crush!" Luke bellowed.

"I absolutely do not have a crush," I flipped a page loudly in my magazine.

"You can deny it all you want, Mads, but the signs are there. You blushed while he talked, you brushed your hand with his, and now you're denying that you have a crush on him."

"You guys are so ridiculous. Why am I friends with you again?"

"Who else is there for you when you puke your guts out?"

I laughed. "Nice image there Michael. Thanks for that."

The nurse came in and I winced as she inserted the IV into my arm. Chemo went by quickly with Michael and Luke making jokes at each other and a few at me. They didn't bring up my crush on Calum again and I was thankful for that. I mean he was good looking, but I knew nothing about him except he was from Australia and he took Ashton into his home.

I was weak like I usually was when chemo was finished, but today I felt weaker than normal. After I stood up, I sat back down for a second. Michael and Luke had already left since they had started a bit earlier than I had. I tried to take a few deep breaths to calm myself and find my strength to stand back up, at least get back to the lobby to my dad.

"Hey, are you ok?" a voice in the hallway asked. I shook my head no, not looking up from the tiled floor. I heard footsteps walk into the room. "Do you want me to get the doctor?" it was Calum, I recognized his voice now. I lifted my head to find him standing before me, a look of deep concern in his eyes.

"No, I think I can handle it now. Thanks," I tried to stand, but stumbled a little. He reached out, catching me just before I would've fallen.

"Whoa," he breathed. "Careful."

"Sorry. I just...lost my balance," I blushed.

"It's alright. Let me walk you to the lobby?"

I nodded and he leaned down to grab my bag, not letting go of me before wrapping his arm around my waist. "Thank you," I whispered and I hoped he heard me.

heyy(: i hope everyone had a great weekend. (michael and luke aren't from australia, in case there was any confusion) please vote and comment what you think so far xx zoe

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