Chapter 6: Pinky Promise

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Chapter 6

*Emma's POV*

The days passed quickly. As each day passed, I grew more and more nervous. I knew Zack wasn't going to let me forget about my promise because he gave me the same look everyday. It was a look that said 'time's running out. I hope you are ready.' I knew Alex could tell that I was nervous, but he kept his distance. He didn't bug me or ask me what was wrong.

The week Zack had given me quickly came to an end. I still didn't know how I was going to tell Zack my horrible story, but I knew I was going to have to figure it out real fast. I was too nervous the day of to take in my surroundings. I wasn't sure what city we were in, but I knew there was a show that night. I convinced Zack to wait until after the show so that he wouldn't be all out of wack during the show. He wasn't happy about it, but he agreed.

I was nervous and shaky all day. Alex and Jack noticed, but they said nothing. Rian, on the other hand, noticed and asked me about it. "You okay Emma?"

I shrugged. "Fine," I said, trying my best to keep my voice from shaking.

"Are you sure? You've seemed a little... Out of it lately," he said.

I shrugged and tugged at the sleeves of my hoodie to hide my shaking hands. "I'm fine... Really."

Rian looked at me and shook his head. "Well... When you want to talk about it, let me know."

I stayed on the bus during the show and thought about everything and anything. I thought about the horrors of the past, the perfection of the present and the mystery that the future holds. I thought about how hard it actually is to put the past in the past, to live in the present and to not focus on the future. I tried not to think about the thin pink lines that littered my arms and tried to focus on what my future could hold, not how my past could hold me back.

As the sun set and the moon and the stars started peeking out, I mentally prepared myself. I had been considering whether I should make up a story to tell to Zack, or if I should spill my guts and tell him everything. I decided that I had to tell him the truth. Maybe things would get easier if someone knew what I had gone through.

Thankfully, the band and the crew decided it would be a good night to go out for drinks and party. They asked me to join them, but I declined. There was something that needed to be done. Zack nonchalantly said that he was going to hang back. No one really questioned him, seeing as Zack wasn't the biggest party animal.

"Your week is up Emma," Zack whispered after everyone left.

I nodded. "I know."

"Are you gonna tell me?"

I nodded. "Yes. Not here though."

"There is a café about a block over," he suggested.

I shook my head. "Somewhere more private. Somewhere where no one will find us."

"There's a park about 3 blocks away."


We grabbed our coats and Zack grabbed 2 skateboards.

"I can't ride a skateboard though," I said.

He frowned and put 1 away. We stepped off the bus and he put his board down, stepping on it. He extented his hand towards me. I cocked my head. "Trust me," he said.

I took his hand and pulled me towards him. He positioned me in front of him on the board. "Just follow my lead," he said.

Before I knew it, we were off. I tried my best to lean when he did and not fall. Zack wrapped his arms around me and guided me so that we didn't wipe out. We reached the park in a few minutes. I stepped off the board and looked around. I spotted the perfect tree and walked over to it. Zack followed without questioning.

"Can you climb trees?" I asked without turning around.

He laughed. "Of course."

I smiled faintly. "Good."

I jumped up, reaching for the lowest hanging branch. I pulled myself up and climbed about halfway up the tree. Zack wasn't very far behind me. I sat further down the branch and he sat beside me, his hip pressed against the truck of the tree. I carefully shimmied out of my jacket and sweater and hung them on a branch a few feet above us. It was the first time I had ever exposed my arms to another person. Zack didn't even try to hide the shock and horror on his face. He reached out and ran his fingers lightly over the thin pink lines.

"Do they hurt?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

I shook my head. "Not really. They sting for a little while, but after that, they are just there."

"Why?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I ask myself that a lot and to be honest, I don't know why. It's a release that I don't fully understand. I guess my thought was, if I hurt myself, then it takes the power away from others trying to hurt me."

"Who would try to hurt you?"

I fought the tears. "I always thought it was only one person that tortured me, but I was wrong. There was one person that caused more physical and emotional pain than anyone, but there was another person who caused it all."

"I'm confused."

I did that weird sarcastic snort/sigh laugh. "You should be. I will tell you the horror of my past on one condition Zack."


I looked at him. "You have to promise not to tell anyone. Not Alex or Jack or Rian or anyone."

"I promise," he assured me.

I held up my pinky. "Pinky promise?" I asked, my voice small and trembling.

He wrapped his pinky around mine. "Pinky promise," he said, his voice just as small.


Hey! What do you guys think of this chapter??? Hope you like it, cause I am really proud of this story and I have so many plans for whats to come.

Just a warning, the next chapter is pretty intense. It's Emma's story, so be prepared. I'm not sure if it's going up today, but I will try to upload is as soon as possible.

Love you guys!


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