Chapter 13: New Voice

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Chapter 13

*Alex's POV*

'3 pm. On my feet and staggering.'

Yeah no. It was 3 pm though. Emma had slept like a rock the night before, but I was given the task of waking her up and dragging her to sound check. She didn't know this though. We had decided the night before that since Juliette left the tour a few nights ago, we needed a new voice to sing 'Remembering Sunday' with me. We all agreed on Emma.

I pulled open the curtain to her bunk. She was laying as sprawled out as humanly possible in a bunk with her face flat against the mattress. She was also drooling, cause that's super attractive. I nudged her gently. She just groaned and tucked her hands underneath her.

"Em? You gonna get up? It's 3 and I need you for something," I said softly.

"Ugh... What?" She groaned at me.

I laughed. "How's that hangover feeling? First one is always the worst."

She groaned again and rolled out of her bunk. I caught her before she face planted on the floor, cause I'm just such an awesome brother. "What do you need?" She asked.

I laughed. "Get dressed and stuff and then I'll tell you."

"Ugh." She complained.

It took her about 5 minutes to slide into a pair of short shorts, a tee and a hoodie.

"Why the hoodie Em? It's stupidly warm out. This is Cali after all," I said.

She yawned. "My upper half gets cold."

I shook my head but let it go. "Alright. Grab some sunglasses and let's go!"

I handed her her shades and we headed out. The venue wasn't far, so we walked over. I wasn't sure how she was going to react when we told her we wanted her to sing on stage with us... well me.

We had just gotten to the venue when Emma asked me what I needed her for.

"Well... Me and the rest of the guys were wondering... y'know... since Juliette is gone and she usually sings on 'Remembering Sunday,' we were kinda... uhh... hoping maybe you would come on stage and sing it with me?" I said, looking at her hopefully.

Her sunglasses slipped down the bridge of her nose and her piercing blue eyes glared up at me, her eyebrows raised suspiciously. "Are you shitting me?" She asked, her British accent slipping out.

I shook my head. "Of course not! I want nothing more than for my baby sister to come out on stage and sing with me. I want you to show off that amazing voice I know you have. Please Emmy?"

She sighed and looked up at me. "You promise this isn't a joke?"

I stuck out my hand and extended my pinky. "Pink promise."

She smiled and linked her pinky with mine.

"Let's do this!" I cheered.

We figured everything out quickly and did a quick sound check with the rest of the band. Zack was stoked to hear that Emma would be on stage with me, even though she was beyond nervous.

"I don't know if I can do this Lex," she told me.

I pulled her close and hugged her tight. "I believe in you Emmy. You'll be awesome!"

"But I don't even know what to do. Like I know my parts, but like, what do I do with my hands? What do I do when I'm not singing?" She asked, questions spilling from her mouth.

I laughed. "Everything will be fine."

"But what if it's not?"

"You can play the song on guitar, right? Like the whole thing?"

She nodded. "Yeah... Why?"

I smiled. "Why don't we just get a guitar for you and you can sit beside me and play it!"

She smiled. "Sounds great!"

We talked to the crew and set everything up. Before we knew it, it was showtime.

The show that night was a blur, crazy like usual. I switched it up and played 'Therapy' before 'Remembering Sunday.'

When it came time, I introduced Emma to the crowd.

"Hey guys! So we're going to be doing something a little different tonight. The next song I'm gonna play is 'Remembering Sunday,' but Juliette isn't here to help me out tonight. Instead, I have a very special guest. Everyone, please put your hands together for my baby sister Emma!"

The crowd erupted as Emma walked on stage, guitar hung around her neck. She hugged me from behind and sat down beside me.

"For the record, I am 4 minutes younger. You make it sound like you have a couple years on me Lex," Emma teased.

I laughed. "Is everyone ready?"

The crowd cheered.

I turned to Emma, who was masking her nervousness well. "Are you ready?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded. "Ready when you are."

And we were off. Everything went perfectly and Emma was amazing, as we suspected. Jack knew she could sing, but the rest of us had never really heard her. I was beyond proud of her, and she even looked like she had a great time.

"Give it up one more time for the amazing Emma Gaskarth everyone," I yelled.

The crowd cheered and Emma beamed. She was so happy and it made me happy.

The rest of the show went perfect. We met a few fans after the show and more of them loved Emma, so I was stoked. I was pumped to have her play more shows with us.

Jack and I were the first on the bus after everything that night.

"So... I guess you were right," I said, turning to him.

He stepped closer to me and pressed his forehead against mine. "You aren't the only talented Gaskarth, but you're definitely my favourite," he said, pecking my lips quickly.

I laughed. "Don't tell Emma that," I responding, pressing my lips softly against his.

"Oh trust me, Emma knows," Emma said as she walked onto the bus. "Fair warning, you have approximately 1.5 minutes before the rest of the band and crew gets on the bus, so make it quick lovebirds."

"Thanks Em," Jack said chuckling.

We kissed one more time, making it last as long as possible. We broke a second or two before Flyzik got on the bus. No one was the wiser.



I was gonna post this earlier but i was busy doing homework, and getting ready for my bday tomorrow (woohoo sweet 16 mother fuckers). I got a little hamster as an early present and named her Stormy, Storm for short. She's all adorable and black.

Any who... Hope you like the chapter! It's kinda a filler chapter but it's just to establish that Emma starts singing with them so it makes more sense that she's on tour with them all the time.

I think the next chapter is gonna fast forward a bit, even though I have no idea when this story is, other than like modern day. I dont know which month it is or anything like that.

New chapter up soon! Hoping to get a lot done during the weekend so stay tuned!!

Bye guys xoxo


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