Chapter 34: Everything Will Be Okay

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Chapter 34

*Zack's POV*

It was Emma's ear piercing scream that woke me up and caused me to fall out of my chair. I scrambled to my feet and looked at Emma, my heart pounding. She was screaming and writhing around, clawing at the IV in her arm. I reached over her and began to frantically press the button that sent an alert to the nurses station.

"Emma!" I screamed.

A nurse and a doctor came bursting into the room.

"What's going on?!" I screamed at them.

The doctor stayed calm. "She's having an allergic reaction."

"To what?!" I shrieked.

The nurse answered for the doctor. "To the fluid in the IV."

The doctor pulled the IV from Emma's arm and shot her with an epipen. The nurse turned to me and shot me a look that said 'leave.' I didn't move. I rushed to the side of the bed and held Emma's hand. The nurse grabbed me by the back of the shirt and pulled me to my feet.

"Out!" She said.

She pushed me out the door while I kicked and screamed and cried for them to let me stay with Emma. She had been out for 6 days and counting and this was the first response out of her in that time. The nurse locked me out of the room. I pounded on the door with all my might, screaming for them to let me back in.

I felt hands on my shoulder. I spun around angrily to find Alex and Jack. I fell into Alex's arms and cried. They led me back to the rows of chairs across from Emma's room. I hadn't slept in days and I was running on the very little energy I had left. Seeing Emma in pain was the worst thing I could possibly imagine. I never thought in a million years that one person could possibly mean so much to me. That is, until I met Emma. The second Emma was brought into my life, I knew things would never be the same.

A few minutes later, I heard pounding footsteps coming down the hall towards us. I looked up and struggled to see through the haze that the tears had left in my eyes. Slowly, my vision cleared and my brain suddenly acknowledged the 2 people running towards us. I sat up straight just as Patrick jumped into my lap.

"What's going on?!" He cried, tears building in his eyes.

I hugged him close. "I don't know! They won't tell me jack shit!"

"This is bullshit! We are the only family she has! They better fucking tell me something or I will fucking sue this hospital for everything they have!" Pete screamed. He hasitly wiped away the tears that had begun to fall.

"I am her fucking family and they won't even tell me anything!" Alex cried.

Just then, the doctor stepped out into the hallway. "She's stable. You may all go in."

I looked around. "All of us?"

He nodded. "That's what I said."

He turned and walked away, the nurse closely in tow.

"Arrogant prick," Jack murmured.

We all made out way slowly into Emma's room. The IV was out of her arm and she was still again. My heart dropped a little when my hope that she was awake faded. The five of us surrounded her bed, Alex and I closest to her head, Jack beside Alex, Patrick next to me and Pete next to Patrick.

I sat back in my chair next to her and held her hand. Her head was tilted in my direction, her pale lips parted ever so slightly. I reached out with my free hand and traced her lips softly, dragging along her collarbone. I could feel the tears begging to flow free, but I held them back. I brushed a loose piece of hair from her face and sighed softly.

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