Bad News

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"Don't forget to call as soon as you land!" your mother called from the car door. "I know, I know! I will! Love you, mom!" you call back. " Tell (B/F) I said 'Hi! and good luck." Annoyed because she said this 26 times now, you shoot back "Ok! I'm going to miss the plane to New York! I have to go, mom." Off you ran. You could hear your mom say "I love you!" but you didn't stop running. This was your chance to start fresh! The only person at that school who would know who you were was your best friend, who was going to the same school and knows most of the people there, because she lived in New York for two years and had no clue you were going to the same school.

Finally seated, the plane has taken off, and you have been in the air for around 20 minutes. You see someone you recognize. Oh god. This should be fun! The one man you would die for. The one man who you would kill if you got the chance. Thomas Jefferson. There is no meaner man. Well, his two best friends, Burr and Madison may be worse, but every day Jefferson tortured you. Not physically, but mentally. With his dashing looks, and amazing wealth, it's no wonder you want him. Well, it's no wonder that you hate him, too. Thanks to his ranking compared to your ranking, that is one couple that will never be seen in public. Jefferson's rule.

Oh boy! Now Madison is next to him. Wait, I don't think you heard correctly. Did he just say... "I really wish (Y/N) went to the same college!" I'm sorry what!? Did you hear that? Did he really just say that? Are you dreaming? Well, he might not have said that. You could have heard wrong. There's only one way to find out. Ask. Yes, you know it's not the smartest choice but you have to know!

Well here goes nothing. You walk to the bathroom and pass them on the way. You need to compose yourself. Was it just you, or was Jefferson staring at you? You walk back. He grabs your arm and you respond "Whats going on?" You fall on him. "Um... Hi!" was all you managed to squeak out. "Hey, do I know you?" He asked. "I don't know. Do you?" That was the first pick-up line you could think of. "Ha, ha," you love his laugh, "Well, do you know me?" He must be on to you. "Um... Yes!" you squeak. "What's you name?" he asked, curiosity in his voice. "Um...(Y/N)," Honestly, you could do better. "I knew it! Do you remember me? Well of course you do, you said you did. Um... do you... remember my name?" He said this nervously. "Of course I do! How could I forget. You were my crush for like, I don't know... 6 years!" You rambled. "Wait... what!?" you and him said in sync. "Um... I mean, not anymore, that was like last year, I didn't mean anything by it! Well, I can't deny it! You are fine! I mean, um... well I... I... I'm out of excuses. Um, I'm just going to go back to my seat. "

Well, that was weird... you have ruined your own life. Thank you, Jefferson. Now you will be the laughing stalk of college. Yay you... also, he was hard. Strange...



Hello people! I have never written an x reader. I'm sorry if it sucks, but I'm still learning so don't judge. Word count: 603 Thanks!

I think I'm in love(Jefferson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now