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You woke up from your little nap. A light beeping sound was coming from the kitchen. You heard a panicked Thomas yelp "Shit!" then he leaped off the couch from where he was next to you. You could smell something delicious. You reluctantly remove the blanket, you assumed Thomas put on you. You walked into the kitchen. You find Thomas. He was pulling almost burnt cookies out of the oven. He placed them on the counter. He looked at you in the doorway. "Well hey there, darlin," he said. He gave you a quick kiss, then handed you a cookie. You ate it. It was actually pretty good. Kind of burnt, but good. "This is great!" you complemented. "Thanks! My mom taught me to cook," he said. " I know! You told me when I first shared a dorm with you, " You said laughing. He laughed with you. Suddenly, your phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey! Can you help me with something?" It was Hercules. "What is it?" "Alex. John wants me to get him out of the house. I asked him to come to the spa with me, but he won't budge. He listens to you. Think you can help?" he said. "I'll see what I can do. I would love a spa right about now. How about, we all go. You can bring Lafayette. I'll handle Alex," you said. "Ok. Thank you so much!" he said. "Anytime!" you said then hung up. " I guess I'm going to the spa," you said. Thomas frowned. He wouldn't let you leave the house alone. "You're welcome to come, but you'll be sitting in the car," you said. "I don't like it," he said. "I have to leave eventually," you complain. "Fine," he said, reluctantly. You smile. You gave him a quick kiss then left.

You pulled up to the dorms that you once lived in. You parked in your usual spot, and got out of the car. You walked inside and found your way to Alex and (B/F) dorm. You knocked. Alex answered. "Hey! Come on in!" Alex said. You smiled and walked in. "I came over to ask, do you want to come to the spa with me?" you said. A huge smile on your face. "No thanks. I have to study," he said. A sorry smile on his face. An idea clicked. You began to fake cry, and dropped to the floor. "But... but... I *sniff* I want to go to the spa! The only person I know will come is Hercules! *sniff* That's because HE is a good friend! *sniff* Now you got my emotions going..." you cry. "Oh shh shh... It's alright... I'll go," he said. You leaped off the floor. "YAY!!! Let's go!" you screeched. You and him walked to your car.

You pulled up to the spa. Hercules was waiting already. "Hey Hercules! Where's Lafayette?" you asked. "He didn't want to come," he said plainly. "Alright," Alex said. "Just the spa or nails too?," you asked. "NAILS TOO!!!" Alex screamed. "Ok!" Hercules said. Alex walked over to a wall of nail polishes. "How did you get him to come?" Hercules whispered to you. "Magic powers pregnant women have. It's called mood swings," you whisper back, making him giggle. After you all chose your colors, you got a mani-peti. It was strange, going to the spa with two guys. They were hella gay, though, so it didn't matter.

After all of you had your nails done, you went out for some food.

You all finished eating and decided to go to the mall. Apparently all of you had the same idea. You all race for Hot Topic. You may be pregnant, but it's Hot Topic. There was a 50% off sale on all Miranda products. You bought just about one of each of all Miranda products. A shirt with lyrics. A hat that said L. M. M. A skirt that had the color scheme on it. A costume that looked like his outfit. A three way friendship necklace that said "Your Obedient Servant" You got the part that said "Obedient" Alex got "Your" Hercules got "Servant" You paid, and left. 

You stopped by a park. You parked in the small parking lot. Hercules pulled up next to you. "What are we doing here?" Alex asked. "I just want to relax," you said, pulling a blanket out of your trunk. Alex looked at you confused. "Why the hell do you have a blanket back there?" he asked. "Just in case," you answered. You walked over to a clear spot. You spread the blanket out on the ground. You sat down. Alex sat next to you. Hercules was next to him. He still couldn't stand sitting next to you. After what happened between him and Thomas, it was just uncomfortable. You began making a flower crown. Hercules was doing the same. Alex looked at his phone. No one said a word. You noticed Alex looked uncomfortable. Then it hit you. He doesn't know how to make flower crowns. You finished the one you were working on, and placed it on Alex's head. He looked at you, and smiled. A thankful smile. You picked some flowers and handed them to Alex. He looked at you confused. You picked some flowers and began weaving them together. After a while, you looked up. Alex caught on. He was weaving the crown. He looked at you. You smiled and went k back to weaving. You heard a sniff. You looked up. Hercules was crying. You scooted over by him. "What's wrong?" you whispered. "Nothing..." he replied. As if you would believe that. "You're not fine. You're crying," you whisper back. "...*sniff*... Me and Lafayette got into a fight. That's why he wouldn't come... I just got so pissed, I called Alex, but he said he was busy. I called the sisters. I called John. I even called Madison and Burr. Nothing. I left Jefferson as a last resort, and called you. Well, I think Lafayette will want to break up...*sniff*... a... and I don't know what to do..." he said. By now, Alex was listening. "Well, go apologize to Lafayette, for one, and for two, why didn't you just tell us the truth?" you asked, concern in your voice. "I was scared, and sad, and I didn't want to talk about it. I'm sorry," he mumbled. "Don't apologize to us, apologize to Lafayette," Alex said. He sniffed then nodded. "Alright. You're right," he said. Just then you head French cursing, coming from somewhere in the near by wood. You stood. Alex helped you up. You walked towards the small wood. You saw a familiar floofy bun. As you neared the person, you saw it was Lafayette. He didn't seem to notice you. "Lafayette?" you question. "Uhh... Hi (Y-Y/N)," he stuttered. Why? "What the hell!? Hercules is out there crying and you're walking around in the woods swearing in French!? Go apologize!" you whisper shouted. "Sorry... I just... *sigh*... Ok," he got off the stump he was sitting on, and followed you out the way you came. Hercules saw him and burried his face into his knees. Lafayette walked up to Hercules. Lafayette leaned down tho Hercules's ear, and whispered something in French. You could quite hear him, though. Hercules looked at Lafayette. "Oui," he said ( Translation: Yes). You just now noticed, they weren't on your blanket. You grabbed the blanket, grabbed Alex, shoved them both into your car, and got in. You began to pull away.

You pulled up to the dorms. "Thanks for joining us, Alex," you said. He smiled. "Of course! I love hanging out with you guys," he said. " I'll see you in class tomorrow," you said. He waved, then entered the building. You drove home.

You walked inside. It smelled really good. You walked into the kitchen. There were cookies everywhere. "Thomas... What did you do?" you asked. He looked at you. "I was in a baking mood," he said with a shrug. You picked up a cookie and took a bite. It was the best cookie you had ever eaten. "This... is fucking delicious," you said. You grabbed a few more. You put them in a zip-lock bag, and smuggled them to your room. You hid them is a drawer. You looked at the clock. It was almost 8:00 pm. You decided to go to bed. "Thomas! I'm going to bed!" you called from the bed room. "Ok!" he replied from the kitchen. You changed into a unicorn onsie you got in middle school. It was to big then. It fit perfectly now. You ate one more cookie, then fell asleep.


Hello! So, I'm at my friend's house. She is asleep. I'm sorry this is late. Its just a bad time for me. I am actually tired. It's 2:25 am. I need sleep. I love you guys. Word count: 1489 Thanks!

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