Valentines Day

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*Four Years Later*

You woke up. Time to start the day! Emma was perfectly fine. (B/F) and Peggy ended up adopting a girl named Janice (A/N: That's my name!). She was The same age as Philip and Theo. It was Valentines Day! Alex and John agreed to take Emma for the afternoon. You and Thomas wanted to have a date night. You still weren't married. The wedding was in two months, though. School was out, and everyone has their own houses or lived in apartments.

Thomas took you out to dinner. It was a fancy restaurant. Thomas ordered macaroni. You ordered (F/F). After you were done, Thomas took you to the place he proposed. It was very romantic. The whole place had candles everywhere. Rose petals littered the ground. Nice music was playing. It was so nice. The moment started to get heated so, you went home. 

You walked into the apartment. Thomas closed the door then pinned you against the wall. You knew what he was doing. It had been awhile. Since before Emma actually. Right after your mom... well anyway. He roughly kissed your neck. He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. He dropped you on the bed, then climbed on top of you. He removed his shirt, then yours. He removed your pants then his. Slowly, he undressed you. He had a condom on. Good. Emma was enough. He pulled his boxers off. He slowly pulled your panties off. He positioned himself, and you. He looked at you. You nod. In he goes. Thrusting into you really hard. "Uhhh," you moan. He must have missed this. "AHHHHH!" you yelp. Yeah. He missed it. You did too. "Mmmmm. Hhhhhhhhhhhh. Ehhhhhhhh. Uhhhhhhh. AHHHHHHHHH," you squeaked. With every moan, Thomas trusted harder. You put a pillow over your face to muffle the moans. Thomas stopped for a moment. "Y-you alright... Princess?" he stammered. "Fffffff... FUCK ME HARDER, DADDY!" you screeched. He did just that. Faster and harder. He was the one thing you wanted all your life. He was yours. Harder and harder he humped. With every moan you let out he fucked harder. You finally gave up and just let the moans fill the room.  He was thrusting into you so hard. "P-princess... I-I-I'm going t-to..." Thomas began to say. He came in his condom. He pulled out. You just lay there. Thomas laid down next to you.

You looked at the clock. 8:00 pm. Just then, your phone started to ring. You grabbed it. It was John. "What the hell do you want?" you asked, forgetting they were watching Emma. "I don't want anything, your daughter does," he said. "Oh oops sorry," you said. "HI MOMMY!!! CAN I SPEND THE NIGHT!? ANGIE WANTS ME TO AND THEO IS HERE!!!" Emma said a little too close to the phone. "Um, sure! Have fun! Love you!" you said. "LOVE YOU TOO!!!" she said then hung up. "Emma's spending the night. Angie and Theo want her to," you said. "Ok," Thomas said.

Emma's pov

Mommy said I could spend the night with Angie and Theo! We just played some princess games on Philip's game system. I'm not sure what it was. Janice is here too but she's hanging out with Philip. They were both nine. Theo was too, but she wanted to play with me and Angie. Angie was five. I'm four. That was pretty much all we did.

Philip's pov

I woke up. IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY OH MY LORD!!! Ok, calm down Philip! It's ok! Janice, Theo, and Emma are coming over. No biggie. Only, I can't help it. Janice is so pretty! I blush every time I see her. I looked at my clock. HOLY- Janice is going to be here in two hours. I have to shower, find the gift I made for her, clean my room, and- "Morning Philip! Time to get up!" Dad walked in. "I know. Hey dad can I talk to you?" I said. Here it comes. I'm going to tell him. "Sure, what is it?" he said walking into my room and sitting on my bed. "So... today is Valentine's day and I got Janice a gift but I can't talk to her without getting flushed and I want to know how to talk to people I may or may not have a crush on?" I said in one breath. He ran his fingers through his curly hair. "Well... that is a question for your aunt (Y/N). She is way better with romance, than me," he said. Jee thanks dad. "Okay. I'll text her. She should be awake right?" I looked at the clock. 8:26 am. "Yeah. She usually is texting me and your dad at 6:00 in the morning. She would say stuff like um... 'Get your ass out of bed! You have kids to raise!" he said in mocking tone, making me laugh. I grabbed my phone.

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