Classes start

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Classes start today. You knew Thomas would have hang-over so you got him a black coffee(his favorite). You left in on his night-stand, along with a bottle of Advil. You also got Laurens, who was still on the couch, and Burr and Madison, who were still on the floor in Thomas's room, some coffee and Advil as well. Thomas walked out of his room. He had pants on, but still no shirt. His floofy hair a mess, but wasn't noticeable. You immediately began to turn red. He smiled at you. "Hey, thanks." he said. "Any time... when I lived with my dad, he would do the same for me when I went out to party. He never had a problem with me staying out late." you said, tearing up. "You told me you don't drink. So, you used to drink?" he said, confused. "Well, that was before he..." you trailed off, on the brink of tears. "He what?" he asked. "H... he died." you couldn't hold it in. You exploded with tears. Thomas ran to you. His arms rapped around you. You just kept crying. You tried to stop but it made it worse. "Shh, it's all going to be ok." he whispered. When he said this, you felt safe. No one could touch you. Then you remembered, he was shirtless, and you had to be at class in a half hour. You woke Laurens up and told him classes will start soon. Thomas got Burr and Madison to leave. Laurens went home to get clothes for the day. Thomas put a shirt on and you left together.

Walking down the hall of the school on the way to debate, you noticed a sound behind you. You glanced back. It was Thomas. "Hey," you stopped him, "Not a word of this morning." you demand. "Wouldn't dream of it." he said.

"Hello class! I am George Washington, please call me Mr. Washington. Now, I am not one to be joked around with. I advise you to follow all my rule if you wish to remain in my class. If you are a rule breaker, please leave now and we can get on with our lives. Good? Yes? Lets move on!" Mr. Washington, the debate class teacher, told us. Lucky for me, Alex had debate with me. Well, so did Thomas, but Alex's cute gay, was too intrigued by John Laurens, who was next to him. John had no clue. Alex had to tell him soon. You had some question for John.

*Time Skip*

At lunch, you asked to talked to John... alone. He agreed. "Yes?" he said. "I just have some questions," you said. "You get three. Thats it." he said. "Fine. One, are you gay?" you asked. "I barely know you, why should I tell you?" he asked. "I want to be a friend you can trust, John. Please tell me," you plead. "Yes," he said. "Yay! Another gay friend! That makes two! Anyway, two, do you have a crush on anyone in our friend group?" you ask. "Maybe," he said. "Is it Alex?" you ask. "Maybe," he said. "AAAAHHHH, I PROMISE TO NEVER TELL A SINGLE SOUL!!! THANK YOU!!!" and you ran to sit with the rest of the group, John behind you. "So, what did you guys talk about? Also, why is (Y/N) so happy." Peggy questioned. "That is none of your concern." John said for you.

*Time Skip*

"Good afternoon class! Welcome to drama club! I am your teacher! Call me King George!" All the Schuyler sisters were there. Thomas was there. Hercules and Lafayette where there, (B/F) and John were there. Believe it or not Madison and Burr were there, too. Every one you knew the names of were there. The only assignment you got was to memorize your lines to Romeo and Juliet. You were Juliet. Guess who played Romeo. The one person you wished didn't. Thomas. The ball scene, too. That meant you had to kiss him. You had to kiss Thomas. This time, while he wasn't drunk. This time... during school. Dreading the day it would come, you made you way to math.

"Hello every one! I am Charles Lee. Call me Charles... or Lee. Welcome to your math class. Now, I want to run through your names, and make sure I can pronounce them! Ok! Let's begin!" John, Burr, Madison, Thomas, and Alex were all there. Of course all you classes so far had to be with Thomas. At least Alex was in all of them, too. So far anyway. Soon enough, class was over. You were on your way to your next class. Alex stopped you. "What did you talk to John about?" he asked. "All I did was ask if he was gay, if he had a crush on any of our friends, and if it was you." you say. "What were his answers?" he said anxiously. "Yes, maybe, and maybe." you said plainly. "Really? Wow! Well what's your next class?" he asked you. "History." you answer. "Oh, not me. Well, I have to go. See you later!" he ran off. "Yep!" you call after him. You head off to class.

Upon entering the room, your smile turned into horror. Eliza was screaming at Thomas. Madison and Burr were making bets. Two random kids were fighting over a seat. Lafayette and Hercules were in a corner by them selves. They were the farthest from the teachers desk, so you sat next to them. "What are they fighting about?" you ask. "Apparently, Jefferson sat too close to Eliza, and when she told him to move, he refused." Hercules told you. "Lafayette, parlez-vous anglais?" you ask the french man(Translation:Lafayette, do you speak English?). "Oui!" he said(Translation:Yes!) "So, why don't you?" you ask. "I do. I just haven't around you," he said, with a chuckle. He was adorable and had an adorable accent, too. The teacher walked in. "Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury, and I present the history of our country. Oh, and call me Mr. Seabury."

*Time Skip*

Finally! School is over for today! Now, time to go home to you most hated aquatint, Thomas Jefferson. You decided that you would call him Jefferson from now on because it felt weird calling him Thomas. When you got home, all of the drama club was in your dorm. "Hey, finally! I wanted to practice, so Thomas said we could practice Romeo and Juliet here." Angelica said. "Oh, ok," you say.

* Small Time Skip*

It was time. The kissing scene. Reluctantly, you peck his lips, and pull away fast. Then without warning, he went for the second. His lips were soft. He was a passionate kisser. If he hadn't pulled away, you would have suffocated. While trying to hide that you were gasping for breath, Peggy shouted "Wow! For a second there, I thought that was a real kiss! Great acting guys!" You look at each other. Being his room-mate was getting worse for you every day.

*Small Time Skip*

Everyone had left. You made dinner and sat on the couch with Jefferson. He looked at you, "Sorry." he apologized. "Why?" you asked. "You know, for the kiss," he said. "You don't need to be sorry... oh and just so you know, you... you're a great kisser." you say. "Really? That was my first kiss," he said. "No, you were just drunk. You kissed me the night of the party," you confess. "I did? Well, sorry." he apologized again. "Again, why?" you ask again. "I don't know," he giggled. "Well, I'm going to go to bed. Good night, Thomas." you say, before disappearing into your room. You changed your mind about the whole Thomas or Jefferson thing. You were so tired from today so you fell asleep almost as soon as your head touched the pillow.


Hello people! I use time skips way too often. I'm sorry. Ok bye! Word count: 1318 Thanks!

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