Bonus Chapter!

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Many years later...

You woke up. You looked around. "Where am I?" you thought. A forest? You stood up. Then you saw them. "Hey!" you yelled at the person hiding behind a tree. You began to approach them. The person stepped out from behind the tree. "Thomas? How? You passed away 16 years ago... you look so young. What happened?" you questioned. His eyes widened. "(Y/N)!? Oh my god! How the hell- ugh never mind. I don't care. I missed you so much," he cried as he ran to you. His long arms engulfed your body, and for the first time in 16 years, you felt safe. Without hesitation, you connected your lips to Thomas's. 

"(Y/N)?" you heard. You looked around. There he was. He stepped around the bush between you and him. Your (E/C) eyes connected with his. "... DAD!" you screeched. You ran to him, he did the same, wrapping his arms around you when you were close enough. As soon as you were in his arms, you dropped. Your dad did too. Thomas stood aside feeling unwelcome. Your dad looked at him, still on the ground. He reached his hand out to him. Thomas shook it, but your dad yanked him to the ground, so he could join the hug. Finally, your life was complete. 

Emma went on to be a writer. She wrote a best seller, love story. The book was about two people, a man and a woman, who met in middle school. The woman's father was murdered. Her mom was sent to jail for murdering him. She got married to the most hansom man on the planet, had a daughter, almost got divorced, but fell in love again. As crazy as her life was, she always put on a smile. Even the day before she died, she was wearing that beautiful smile. It never failed. The book was called, I Think I'm in Love.


Just a little... after-life chapter. I love you all so much, and thank you for reading. Final word count: 340 THANKS!!!

I think I'm in love(Jefferson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now