I'll Miss You

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*Ten years later*

You woke up. You sprung out of bed. Today, there was a going away party. Lafayette, Hercules, and Janice were all moving to France. You walked into the kitchen. You mad some breakfast and coffee. Emma sluggishly walked into the kitchen. "Morning mom," she said. You handed her a cup of coffee. Just then, Thomas walked in. "Hello, ladies," he said. You handed him a cup of coffee too. You made yourself some coffee. You all sipped your drinks. You finished first. You got ready. Emma and Thomas soon got ready too. You drove Emma to school. You went over to Alex and John house. 

Philip's pov

Janice was moving to France. I might never see her again. I hardly spoke to her after the wedding. I needed to find her. I looked practically everywhere. As I passed the girl's locker room, I heard crying. Just then I saw Emma walking down the hall. She was a freshman. I was a senior. I grabbed her arm. "What the hell- oh. Hello, Philip," she said. "Shh," I said, pulling her closer, so she could hear. I looked at her. Her face was a deep crimson color. "Aww, you're blushing. Did I do that?" I teased. She wiggled her arm from my grasp. "Of course you did! Everyone has a crush on you. I mean, yeah you're attractive, but I have my heart set on another!" she confessed. I knew who she liked. She told me. James. "Hmm... Roses are red, violet are blue. Emma likes me, and she likes James, too," I said. She slapped my face. I deserved it. "You idiot! You promised to never bring that up!" she whisper-yelled. I just laughed. Then, I remembered. The crying. "Anyway! Emma, I need you to check something out. You hear that crying? Go see who it is," I said. She walked into the locker room.

Emma's pov

I walked into the girls locker room. I looked around for anyone. I found Janice. She was moving to France. I felt bad. I would miss her. "Hey, Janice? Philip's been looking for you," I said. That got that up. She ran out of the room. I walked out to see something I would never have expected.

Philip's pov

I was waiting for Emma. Instead I saw Janice. She was walking towards me. She tripped on nothing, like usual. She came falling forward. I caught her. She seemed in a daze. "Aww, are you falling for me?" I said. "Umm... yeah," she said, her face a dark shade of red. I helped her up. Then, I noticed the group of girls around us. I tried to ignore them as I hugged Janice. Only, she didn't hug back. She kissed back. I didn't kiss her though. Did she kiss me when I tried to hug her? I pulled away for breath. I realized I was gasping. "Let's continue this, elsewhere," I said. We walked down the hall. I saw an open janitorial closet. I pulled her in, slamming the door. I pinned her to the wall. "Ph-Philip, what are you-" she began to say. I cut her off with another kiss. This one trailed down her jawline, to her neck. "Ph-Philip... I-I, uh," she tried to say again. I found it, though, causing her to moan. I nibbled at the spot for a bit.

*Time Skip*

We lay there. Naked. Not doing anything. Just thinking about what just happened. Laying next to each other. "I don't want to go to France," Janice said. I looked at her. "I don't want you to either," I said. She looked at me. "Don't tell Theo... ever. She might come to France, and kill me," she said. I laughed. Just then, we heard the door open, then close. It was too dark in the room to see. The person was panting. We're they running? I quickly put my jacket over me and Janice. Just to hide our... places... Who ever this person was, didn't notice us. Suddenly, they turned their phone on. I could barely see the face. Theo!? I looked at Janice. She looked at me. I mouthed the word "Clothes." She nodded and put her clothes on as quietly as possible. I did the same. I wanted to get Janice out of the room. I didn't want to have to prevent another fight. I turned my flash light on, on my phone. I pointed other Theo. "Theo?" I said. Janice had managed to get behind Theo. Theo looked at me. "Ph-Philip?" she stuttered. Janice slipped out the door. Theo didn't notice. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in weeks," I asked. "Um... home. I came out as pan, and got attacked. So, I hid here... What are you doing in her?" she asked. "I was hiding from a mob of girls," I said. It wasn't a lie. I was hiding from them. I just didn't mention Janice. "Oh," she said. The bell for lunch went off. "We should go," I said. We left the room. We made our way to the lunch room. People were surrounding Janice.

(A/N: Two things. I forgot that Janice was the child of Peggy and (B/F). So now, they have a child named Belle. Janice is Lafayette and Hercules's child. The other thing, I'm crying. My girlfriend broke up with me, and now I'm listening to Who Live, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story... I listened to Burn earlier. Ahhhh.)

They were giving her things like goodbye cards. No one can top what I have her as a goodbye present. She looked at me. She walked over to me. "Hey! Where's Theo?" Janice said. I looked around. Theo had just disappeared. I shrugged. Janice hugged me. I hugged her back. I looked around at all the girls that were crying. Before I knew it, Emma, Angie, James, Belle, and surprisingly Theo joined the hug. We sat like that for a while. We all ate lunch together. Then, we had to go back to class. Theo and I had the next class together.

"Partner project! I am picking your partners," the teacher said. There was "Aww," throughout the class room. I just hoped I wasn't with Theo- "Philip and Theo!" the teacher yelled. All the girls whispered something like "Lucky bitch." I sighed and grabbed my things. I sat next to Theo. She glared at me.

*Time Skip*

Finally school was over. I was driving everyone home. Well, to Janice's house for the party. I pulled in the driveway just as Janice's dads did. We all climbed out. "Bonjour tout le monde!" Uncle Lafayette said (Translation: Good afternoon everyone!) "Hé papa," Janice said, kissing her dad's cheek (Translation: Hey dad). I knew what they said. Emma knew. Theo knew. Everyone else looked very confused. I internally laughed. We walked inside. We are greeted by balloons flying at us, and people yelling "TU NOUS MANQUERAS!!!" (Translation: WE WILL MISS YOU!!!). They all broke down. Three crying messes on the floor in a big ball. It turned into a group hug.

End of pov

You eagerly awaited for everyone to arrive. You heard Philip's car outside. You also heard Lafayette's car. You got ready to throw a balloon and confetti. The door opened. Everyone jumped up and threw the balloons and confetti. "TU NOUS MANQUERAS!!!" everyone screeched (Translation: WE WILL MISS YOU!!!). Janice, Lafayette, and Hercules fell to the ground. They were all crying. They were also hugging. You joined the hug. Then Thomas. Then Alex and so on. Everyone sat like that for a bit. Eventually, you all got up. You had some food. You and Burr worked all day to make the perfect meal. A French meal for Lafayette. An Irish one for Hercules. Chicken Nuggets for Janice. Just a random buffet of food. Over all, it was really good. You spoke French the whole time. So did Emma. It was fun watching the non-fluent French speakers struggle. The party was really fun. You found Emma passed out on James lap. James was asleep as well.

You and Thomas went home. Thomas carried your daughter to the car. "Thank you so much for doing this. I will miss you so much!" Lafayette said, hugging you. Hercules walked up. His nose was running. His eyes were teared up. He looked like a two year old. He rapped his arms around you. "THANK YOU *sniff* SO MMUUUUUUUCH!!!" he practically screamed while crying. You hugged back. You had know Hercules and Lafayette since your first day of college. It was very sad saying goodbye. Before you could let yourself cry you let go of Hercules. "I have to go. Don't forget to write!" you said, then climbed in the car. Thomas drove home.

You put Emma in bed the went to your own. Thomas was ready for bed already. You got ready, and climbed in next to him. It didn't take long for Thomas to fall asleep. You started to think about Lafayette and Hercules. You would miss them so much. You wouldn't miss Janice as much, but she was a trouble-maker. Emma would miss her though. With the thought of your friends, you cried yourself to sleep.


Hey! I know what you're thinking. Yeah, I teased you with that little "Philip x Janice" make-out scene, but that's for a different writing adventure! I think the next chapter will be the last. I don't know yet. Just, expect the end soon. I love you all! Word count: 1585 Thanks!

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