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You woke up. You weren't in your bed. You were in Thomas's bed. Memories of last night flooded back. You smile. You look to your side to see a sleeping Thomas Jefferson rapped up in his blankets. You then realize, you had no clothes on. You sink into the blankets. Thomas wasn't wearing anything either. There was a sudden knock on door. It woke Thomas. He got up, put some clothes on and went to the door. You put some clothes on, and followed. Peggy was there. She was panting. "You... need to... come... Alex... Eliza... love... " she said inbetween gasps. You and Thomas looked at each other, then ran out the door. In Alex and (B/F)'s dorm, Eliza and Alex were on the couch. Everyone around them. You sat with them. After a few moments of awkward silence, "We're breaking up," Alex almost yelled. Shocked gasps let out around the room. "We agreed that we just like different people. It's not as bad as it sounds," Eliza said, a small smile on her face. After another awkward silence, you needed talk to John. "John, can I talk to you?" you ask. " Sure," he said, getting up. In the hall, "Now is your chance! Ask Alex out!" you said. " What!? No! He just broke up! I don't want to rush it," he said. "Ugh, listen. I know who he wants to be with! That's why I asked you those questions! He likes you!" you said. " What? Really? No, you're lying. You have to be! Alex can find WAY better!" he said. You looked at him angrily. "Fine. I will handle it if you don't," you said simple then walked in. He followed shortly after.

*Time Skip*

"Alright, I want you to research as much as you can today! Mr. Jefferson and Ms. (L/N), come here please." Mr. Washington said. You and Thomas walk up. "It as come to my attention that the two of you are getting strait A's in every class. I just wanted to let you know, there is a chance that you will be sent to study abroad. Now, I have sign up sheets here for you. If you wish to take the chance, bring this to me tomorrow, entirely filled out. Two people will be sent. I understand you two have become... friendly room-mates... Alex talks a lot... I believe he is your neighbor. I just want you to know, who ever is sent, will be there for two years. Seeing as it is, you might want to consider signing oh together, or not at all. Oh and if you do go, you might want to learn french," he said. Thomas had a huge smile plastered across his face. "We are both fluent in French, sir," you said. " Good, you may return to your seats," he dismissed you. "What did he want?" Alex asked. "He wanted to tell us there is a chance to study abroad in France. Also Alex, talk less," you said, anger in your voice in the last part. He gave a small chuckle, then went back to work.

*Time Skip*

At lunch, John asked you and Alex if he could talk in private. "Ok, (Y/N), I want you here because you suggested this," he said, nervously. You knew what he was going to do. "Well here goes nothing. Alexander Hamilton, wi... uh will you, um... willyougooutwithme? I'm" he said, too fast for Alex to hear. "Wait, say it again slower," he said. "Will. You. Go. Out. With. Me?" John said, as if he were talking to a two year old. You looked at Alex. He had a tear, and a shocked look on his face. "John... I... I WOULD LOVE TO!!! OH MY GOD!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FROM THE MOMENT I LAYED EYES ON YOU!!!" Alex said, way over exited. "My work here is done," you said, then walked back to the group, a huge smile on your face. " What are you beaming about?" Lafayette asked. "John a demandé à Alex sur," you said, so only he new what you said(Translation: "John asked Alex out,"). Lafayette put on a smile. Thomas strode over to the table. "May I steal my girlfriend for a moment?" he said, holding a hand out for you. You took it and got up. He took you to room you had no idea existed. He pulled out a key, unlocked the door and held it open for you. You now knew why you never saw him in the cafeteria. He was here. In the room was, Maria Reynolds, James Madison, and Aaron Burr. They looked at you in disgust. "Hey guys! This is my knew girlfriend, (Y/N)." he introduced you. You smile and wave. What ever Burr was drinking, he spit it out, nailing Maria. "Your what!? Thomas, you do know she is friends with the Hamlsquad, right?" he asked. "I am fully aware," he said. " Finally! Another girl! I am saved!" Maria yelled, then hugged you. "She's a hugger," Thomas said with a smile. "Would you die for Thomas?" Madison said. "Yes! I would do anything, including die for him! What kind of a question is that!?" you sort of yelled. "It's just a question! Jeez!" he sort of yelled as well. There was a knock on the door. Thomas opened the door and let Eliza in. "Maria, can I talk to you?" she sounded nervous. Maria looked at you. Of course she looked at you, Eliza was your friend. You shrugged. "Sure," Maria said. They left the room. You went to get your lunch from the cafeteria. On your way back, you heard Eliza and Maria. "Maria Reynolds, I know you and Alexander had a little thing going. I just wanted you to know... I can't get you out of my mind. I think of you day and night. I have dreams of you... this is harder than I thought it would be. Ok... um. Will you go out with me?" Eliza rambled. "YES!!!" Maria yelled. You smiled and ran back to the room. In there, Madison and Burr were fighting. "What happened?" you said sitting on the floor next to Thomas. "I have no idea, but I'll bet my bed tonight that they will break up," he said with a smirk. "I'll bet my bed they won't," you said, getting exited. After you finished eating your (F/F), Maria and Eliza walked in. "SHE ASKED ME OUT!!!" Maria screeched. "Congratulations!" you and Thomas said in unison. You walked up and hugged the two girls. The bell rang. Time for drama!

You and Thomas walked together, his arm around your shoulders. As soon as "King" George saw you and Thomas, he skipped over. "I take it, you two are real. Not just for the play," he said, way too happy for a teacher that just found out, Romeo and Juliet in his play were real lovers. "Yes, sir!" Thomas said, giving you a small peck on the cheek. "Good! The date of the show was moved, it is in two days," he said plainly, then walked away. "I can work with that," you said, smile on your face. "Me too," he said, lightly kissing you. You were given a dress to try on. It fit, perfect. Thomas was given his costume. He looked so good. You walked up to him. "Hey, Juliet. Looking good," he said putting his arms around your waste. "Same goes for you, Romeo," you said, kissing him. "Alright! Places! We need to practice!" Angelica yelled. On the stage, "King" George was sitting in a seat right in front. You actually got to kiss Thomas today! You were about to kill your self when the bell rang. Off to math you went.

Math was boring as usual. Nothing special happened. Actually nothing happened at all. Well, Alex and John kissed but that was it.

*Time Skip*

History was the last subject of the day. "We are going on a field trip! In three days, we will all be in Monticello, Virginia!" Mr. Seabury said. That's where you lived. Thomas lived there, too. So did Madison. You would all be home! Thomas would want to meet your mom, though. He would want you to meet his parents, too. After a whole lecture of what to bring, what to do while you were there, how long you will be there, and other things like that, class was over.

As soon as you got home, "Well, I guess James and Aaron stayed together. They would have told me if they were or are going to break up," he said. "Looks like it's my room then," you said, then walked to your room. Thomas chuckled then followed.

*Time Skip*

You were laying in your bed, Thomas next to you. You were playing with his hair. It was so floofy. There was a knock on the door. You put on a bath robe and answered. It was (B/F). "Can I spend the night? John came over, and Alex is loud," she/he said. "Sure, but we are too," Thomas said, walking up behind you. You tapped his chest with the back of your hand. "The couch isn't a thin wall away from your loud sounds. My bed is," (B/F) said, walking in. Thomas had the face of someone who just got scolded. She/He sat on the couch and almost immediately fell asleep immediately. "So (Y/N), I want to do the studying abroad thing. I talked to Mr. Washington. He said we are the only ones actually able to go. Every other student is failing at least one class. We aren't! We should go," Thomas said. "Um, no," you said. "What!? You told me you love France," he said. "You are the one who loves France, darling," you said. You did want to go, but you could not leave all this behind. "Come on, please," he said, sticking his lip out. You could not resist his puppy dog eyes. "I'll think about it," you said. "YES!" he yelled. He filled his paper out, then went to bed. You stayed up. After Thomas was asleep, you filled out the paper. You were really tired so you went to bed.


Hi! Thanks to OliviaCreager for the idea of studying abroad. I wrote this while dying my hair. Also my trip to Cincinnati, Ohio might change. As of now, we will go there, then either Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or Monticello, Virginia. We have not decided yet. I'm voting on Monticello. Whatever. Right now we will leave June 29th. We should be back by July 4th. Word count: 1776 Thanks!

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