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*Two Months Later*

Angelica and Theadosioa ended not moving to Europe. The ended up adopting a boy. His name was James. He was the same age as Emma, and Angie.

You woke up. It was happening. Your wedding was today. You leaped out of bed. "THOMAS!!! WAKE UP!!! IT'S HAPPENING!!!" you yelled while running down the hall to Emma's room. "Emma, darling! Wake up dear! Mommy and daddy are getting married to day!" you said, opening her door. "Way ahead of you mom!" she was ready to go. You and her were heading over to the spa with all the girls and Hercules. You and her ate really fast and left before Thomas could even get up.

You arrived at the spa. Everyone was there already.

(A/N: I just need to take a moment... I put the soundtrack of Hamilton on resume. It started at "Burn" now I'm crying. I'm listening to "It's Quiet Uptown" right now. Ahhhhhhhh... Help me... *sobs in a corner* Alright *sniff* Back to the story)

Everyone was there already. Hercules looked like a girl at her first prom. He was so exited. The spa was fun. Except for the fact that Janice and Theo looked like they wanted to kill each other. The whole time. You went back to the Schuyler Mansion. That's where the wedding was. The girls father said you could for free.

Soon, your hair was pinned up in every way possible. You were standing next to Mr. Washington. He agreed to walk you down the aisle. "Are you ready?" he asked. "Nope," you say. Just then, Mr. Seabury walked into the room. "Oops! Sorry! We'll go!" he said. He walked away. He was being followed by... "King" George? Not going to question. Lee walked in. He nodded. It was time. You found your way to the ballroom. Music began playing. Before you knew it, Emma and Hercules were throwing flower petals. You hugged Mr. Washington. You walked over to Thomas. You and him said your vows. "You may kiss the bride!" Finally! You leaned forward. Your lips touched his. It was magical. People cheered. You and Thomas walked down the aisle as people through rice at you. This was real... and it felt amazing.

You were dancing with Mr. Washington. "I'm proud of you, (Y/N)," he said. "Why?" you asked. "Well, you managed to make new friends, reunite with old friends, take care of a murderer, get two lost children adopted, have a daughter, and get married all in like... five years. Who wouldn't be proud?" he said. "Well, I've had help," you admit. "Not a lot," he said. You just smiled and were quite the rest of the dance.

*Time Skip*

You and Mr. Seabury were dancing, which was very awkward. "I must say, you were and still are my favorite out of your bunch of friends," he said. "Aww, you're just saying that," you said. "No really! I have never been so close to a student. Well... you aren't just a student. You're a friend," he said, causing your face to turn red. "Th-thank you," you said, giggling a little. The song got over. Alex walked up to you. "May I have this dance, my lady?" he asked. "Of course, good sir," you said. He took your hand. You danced. He was a great dancer. "I still can't believe you are the (Y/N) I knew in middle school through college," he said. "Same for you. It's so strange. It feels like yesterday I was on a plane on my way to New York for the first time. Now I'm here dancing with my friend at my wedding. It's so weird," you said. He smiled. "Can I tell you something. Now that you're married, it's less strange to say," he said. "Sure, what is it?" you asked. He inhaled. "When you asked me out, I wanted to say yes, but I was scared," he confessed. "Scared?" you said, confused. "I was scared that you would leave me like everyone else... I did like you. I just wasn't ready," he said. You put you hand in his cheak. "Alex, it's in the past. I don't care anymore. I understand," you said. He smiled again. You returned the smile. The song soon ended. Lafayette strutted up to you. His hair was down and looked like Thomas's. "Hey, Lafayette," you said. "Ugh, how did you know it was me?" he asked. "First, Thomas would never wear a normal tie, only bows. Second, you smell like cherry blossoms," you said. Alex stifled a laugh. Lafayette frowned. "Can I dance with you?" he finally asked. "I would love too," you said. Out on the dance floor you went. You and him danced. Not much speaking. You could see Thomas glaring at you. You rolled your eyes. Just as the song ended, Lafayette leaned forward. The smell of alcohol hit you. He was drunk. You dodged the kiss. You ran over to Thomas. "Oh! Look who finally decided to come talk to me!" he sneered. "Do you want to dance, or not?" you shot back. "Sure, why not," he said, playfully. As you and him were dancing, you put your head on his chest. "Thomas... I think I'm in love," you said. He looked at you. "I think I'm in love, too," he said. You kissed him. How could this day get any better. The song ended and you and Thomas sat down. You suddenly realized, none of the children were in the room. You did see Emma, though. She ran up to you. "Mommy... Janice... Theo... Fighting... Come..." she said out of breath. You looked at Thomas nervously. You got up and followed. Thomas right on your tail. Emma led you to Peggy's room.

In Peggy's room, Janice and Theo were being held apart by Philip. They were yelling at each other. The smaller kids ran, and hid behind Thomas. Then it hit you. Philip liked Janice. Theo liked Philip. Janice liked Philip. It made sense. You decided to step in. You picked up the two girls at the same time with ease. You walked out of the room. All the other kids just looked at you. You brought the two girls to another room. You put them in the room and said "If you move a single muscle while I'm gone, I will make sure your parents know what you have been doing. Don't move and I won't tell," you said, then walked away. You walked over to Mr. Washington. "I need your help with something," you said. He nodded and followed you to the room the girls were in. They didn't move. As soon as they saw Mr. Washington, they both held their breath. "Mr. Washington, these girls have been fighting. Please keep an eye on them," you asked. He smiled. "Of course," he said, then sat on a chair that was in the room. You left the room. You found Thomas being followed by all the children. Emma was latched onto one leg, Angie on the other, and James running behind. Philip was slowly following. You walked over to Philip. "Philip? Do you want to dance?" you asked. "Sure," he mumbled. You and him were in the middle of the dance floor. "Philip? Do you have a crush on anyone?" you asked. "What!? No! What are you talking about?" he answered quickly. "Oh really? Then, why do you look so sad? Is it because Janice and Theo are in a time-out?" you asked. His face was a deep crimson color. "Umm... Maybe," he said. You smiled. "Do you want to talk to them?" you asked. His face lit up. "Yes please!" he said. The song finished and you took him to the room the girls were in.

The girls jumped up from were they were on the floor. "Philip!" they said in unison, then glared at each other. You shoved Philip in, and pulled Mr. Washington out. You closed the door and put your ear up to the door.

Philip's pov

Well this is awkward. "Well, um..." I started to speak. "Philip, I am so sorry! I ju-" Theo began to speak. I shushed her. "I don't want your apologies. If anyone is apologizing, it should be me. I'm sorry I took a nap with Janice. I'm sorry I painted Theo's nails. I'm sorry. To tell the truth, you shouldn't be fighting. I should be the one fighting. I like you both. A lot. I can't be with both of you though. I'm not going to pick one of you. I can't without breaking the others heart. I'm sorry..." I said. I saw them both crying. I was too. Before they noticed I darted towards the door. I flung it open. I ran out of the room. I tried to find my dads. I found one. The other was stuffing his face with food. I ran towards the curly haired man I call dad. I poked him and he looked at me. His eyes were blood shot. Not again. He does this every time he's with Uncle Lafayette and Uncle Hercules. Before I knew it, I was picked up and being carried away by an unknown man. "What the- put me down!" I wiggled around. The man set me down. "You're welcome," he said. I finally saw his face. "Oh, Uncle Aaron! Sorry I yelled at you. You scared me," I said. I couldn't look at him without thinking of my dear, Theo. I looked away from him. "Do you know where my dad is?" I asked. "Which one?" he asked. "Long, straight hair," I said. He picked me up again. I saw my dad again. He was still stuffing his face with food. I poked him. He jumped, and looked at me, then relaxed. He finished chewing, and swallowed his food. "What's up?" he said, taking me from Uncle Aaron. "I have a problem. I like Janice, but I also like Theo, and I just told them I won't choose either of them, because I don't want to break either of their hearts," I said. He smiled sadly. "It'll be ok, son. The perfect person will come. Just you wait," he said. That was the best advice I have ever heard from him. "Thanks, pops," I said.

End of pov

*Time Skip*

The wedding was over. You and Thomas were leaving for your honeymoon. Angelica and Theadosioa volunteered to take Emma while you were gone. At least it wasn't Alex, John, Lafayette, or Hercules. You wondered how they took care of their own children. Anyway, you gave Emma one last kiss then got in the car. Thomas began to drive. He wouldn't tell you where you were going. All you knew was that it wasn't in America, and it was over the Atlantic. Most likely France. You got to the airport. You boarded the plane. As usual, you ended up falling asleep on the plane.


Congratulations Mrs. Jefferson! It's not over yet! I promise! I don't have much else to say. I love you all so much! Word count: 1855 Thanks!

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