The Bridge

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Alex P.O.V

My eyes cracked open to the sight of Evelyn's tear stained face.

I rose from her lap and began walking with her in tow towards the tower from which the demon had jumped. Bloody pain in the ass he had been.My head was pounding as I remembered the fight with the demon. Looking around the bridge I had seen a part of the bridge that had a broken wall. I lured the demon to the broken wall and chopped away at its ankles. After taking many blows from the demons axe I was left with only a small amount of estus. The demon readied its axe bringing it above its head. Cmon dammit, step back. The demon began swinging its axe down as I kept swiping at its legs. Retreat! RETREAT! The demon had stopped mid swing and taken a step backwards falling off the bridge. I saw the fog from the door disappear and Evelyn started walking towards me.

Of course after the long fight and heavy damage I sustained I was in pretty bad shape and couldn't reach the estus that had rolled away when I fell leaving it to Evelyn before I passed out. I sighed as we walked into the tower. There was a staircase awaiting down a small hallway. Around the hallway were scattered boxes and a single barrel with a body sticking out of it. Weird. I walked past the body in the barrel and down the stairs onto another much larger bridge. From where I stood I could see about 5-6 Hollows. Evelyn would have to stay here as I fought them. I glanced at Evelyn, she was touching her lips seemingly lost in thought. Her soft pink lips. I quickly shook my head returning my attention to the bridge.

To the left were the Hollows, in front of us was another door which was locked, to our right was a simple man standing in the sunlight. After the fight I wouldn't mind a bit of conversation, I approached the man. "Ah, hello! You don't look Hollow, far from it!
I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent of the Lord of Sunlight.
Now that I am Undead, I have come to this great land, the birthplace of Lord Gwyn, to seek my very own sun!
... Do you find that strange? Well, you should!
No need to hide your reaction. I get that look all the time!
Hah hah hah!" he said I stayed silent not bothering to talk much as he turned to me again "Oh, ah hah! So, I didn't scare you?
I have a proposition, if you have a moment." Sure why not. "Yes" I responded. "The way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined.
In a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance?
So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?" he questioned. I had to take care of Evelyn so I couldn't even if I wanted to, which I didn't. "No" I replied "Well, yes, quite understandable.
Not to worry. I do not wish to impose.
I was in the wrong. We'll laugh it off, shall we?
Hah hah hah!" he said, weird fellow he was. I returned to where Evelyn stood still lost in thought a finger still on her lips. "Evelyn" I called. No response. "Evelyn" I called a bit louder. Still no response. "Evelyn!" I shouted.

She quickly removed her fingers from her lips and looked up at me "Yes!?" she yelled in surprise blushing soon after. "I need you to stay here while I kill everything on the bridge" I said. She nodded and went to sit against the wall to the right seeming to return to her thoughts. I sighed and started across the bridge towards the Hollows. They didn't seem to notice me as I walked closer. I looked down, black. Black? I bent down and rubbed my fingers against the ground bringing them back up to look at them. Soot and ash. Shit.

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