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Picture of what guys eyes look like.
   After resting for a while I rose from the bonfire and walked to a doorway on the other side of the small room while walking I noticed all my injuries were healed and my fatigue was gone. As soon as I poked my head out of the doorway at the other side of the room however I almost got impaled by an arrow. I ducked back inside the room and gathered my bearings from almost being shot in the head.

   I waited for another arrow to pass through the doorway before running in and ducking into a doorway I had noticed on the left. Inside was a body that had a Tower Kite Shield (I don't remember the exact names and its late so I can't go on to check, also chances are I'm not gonna go back and edit this). I slid it on my left arm and held it up as I left the doorway and ran down the narrow hallway that the archer was shooting down. The Hollow archer eventually noticed that I was dangerously close and retreated into a room. By the enterance to that room was another body that held a Short Sword (I think it was a short sword for knight, right?). Perfect an actual weapon. I entered the room that the archer retreated into and climbed up a small staircase to see the archer already aiming at me with an arrow knocked, I quickly sidestepped the arrow and circled around the archer stabbing him in the back.

As I watched his body crumple I noticed the doorway that was shrouded in fog that was now in front of me. I placed my hand against the fog, it was like a wall, solid. "Let me pass" I said and the fog shifted as if listening to my command and my hand went through it. I walked through the fog and looked back at the doorway but the fog had disappeared. In front of me was a broken cell door from which I could see the man that had thrown the body into my cell lying on the floor against the wall, he seemed weak but still alive. The door was broken and I walked around to find another enterance but there was none.

There was a staircase going up and down, the one going down seemed to lead to the outside area where I had come out of the underground cells so I checked it first and opened a door that served as a major shortcut and avoided the encounter with the demon. I quickly climbed the stairs again and went up this time but I heard something rumble and quickly rolled off before a large ball of what appeared to be steel rolled down the stairs and impacted the wall to the cell where the man was. Well that was certainly one way to make an enterance(no pun intended I swear). I entered the cell from the hole that was now in the wall and approached the man. I saw a single beam of sunlight illuminate him from a hole in the roof. Had he been fighting that demon up there? He noticed my presence and began speaking.

"...Oh, you... You're no Hollow, eh? ...Thank goodness......I'm done for, I'm afraid......I'll die soon, then lose my sanity......I wish to ask something of you......You and I, we're both Undead... Hear me out, will you?"
I looked at him, I should listen to a dying mans last wish "Yes" I answered "...Regrettably, I have failed in my mission......But perhaps you can keep the torch lit......There is an old saying in my family......Thou who art Undead, art chosen......In thine exodus from the Undead Asylum, maketh pilgrimage to the land of Ancient Lords......When thou ringeth the Bell of Awakening, the fate of the Undead thou shalt know....Well, now you know... And I can die with hope in my heart......Oh, one more thing...Here, take this....An Estus Flask, an Undead favourite...." he handed me a flask filled with orange liquid "Oh, and this..." he handed me a key. "...Now I must bid farewell......I would hate to harm you after death...So, go now......And thank you..."(This dialogue is taken directly from the game).

I stared at him as he lay there, broken and battered. "I raised my sword over his chest, I have heard your wish and I will carry it out, I will grant you the honorable death you deserve." Through his visor I could have sworn I saw the slightest hint of a smile. "Thank you, friend" he said and I plunged my sword through his chest. He grunted grew limp then disappeard. I walked out of the cell through the same hole in the wall before I staggered remembering.

A female with a blurred face lying under me on the verge of death. I was standing in a sea of blood covered in wounds. "I knew that wasn't you, Alexander" she stopped to cough up some blood "I wish to die by your blade" I hesitated and she said to me "Please, grant your masters dying wish" she closed her eyes and I raised my sword above her chest, tears stinging my eyes and I drove the blade straight through her heart. "Thank you, Alexander" was the last thing she said before she went limp. Tears streamed down my face and I did the only thing left to do, I screamed, I cursed the world for the dark sign.

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