Chapter 4: Guilt Sucks, It's a Fact.

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Has mentions of sexual intercourse and whatnot, don't read if you no like


Chapter 4: Guilt Sucks, It's a Fact.

If Louis were a cat, he’d be dead.

Cause of death I hear you ask; curiosity.

But he’s not a cat thankfully, so he’s just exceptionally embarrassed and frightened. Practically red from the tips of his hair to his ten toes.

Louis thought that he had to prove to himself that he was heterosexual, and so, as normal people do, he went to the internet.

He typed in two words that made his head reel in self-disgust ‘gay porn’.

He had watched about five minutes of the first clip and shut the laptop screen with a snap. Not because the content repulsed him, oh no, because he wanted to watch more. Louis Tomlinson wanted to see how it worked.

He wanted to be a part of it and it scared him shitless.

Louis eyed his laptop wearily, cats had nine lives right?

But before he could act on his less than straight thoughts, his phone rung.

I'm sending you an S-M-S

I'm sending y-

He opened his phone before it had a chance to wake up his whole house.

The message was from Niall.

Eyy mate, check ‘The Scoop’

Mr. M and Ms. V have struck again… ya might wanna look… it is pretty bad...

Louis knew that Niall has an insane crush on Ms. V and so he sort of, kinda found out who she is. Now that Niall knows that Ms. V is practically a celebrity, he is drooling. Louis rolled his cerulean eyes at Niall’s stalkerish behaviour, but went to the critiques website application nonetheless, because he really thought that the nerdy boy was kinda cute.

Louis got onto the app and refreshed the page to get their most recent splurge, skipping over Ms. V and going straight to Mr. M.

I can’t even believe that I wasted my stomach space on this place.

Are you seriously telling me that the best name that you could come up with was Mamma Tommo?

The food was absolutely pathetic, it was cold and soggy.

I'm pretty sure I saw a pube on the floor.

The cleanliness of this restaurant (if I can even call it that) is next to none

I hope you lose all of your customers after this because it deserves it.

Good bloody day to you all, I hope this places burns to the ground.

Mr. M

Louis dropped his phone onto the bed, shaking slightly. That was his family restaurant. It was the thing that was paying for the bills for his four younger sisters and his depressed mum. He was usually down there 24/7 except on Thursdays after practice.

Louis’ life was finally turning for the better and now this happens. He had just finished renovating the restaurant and he had hired new cooks, made sure that all the surfaces were wiped down at all times and ran it single handily whilst his mum gets better. Niall had helped him through all that and now, after this ‘Scoop’, he would lose all the loyal customers that he had carefully gathered and gained.

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