Chapter 5: Contemplation

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Chapter 5: Contemplation

As Liam sat in his home office pondering the meaning of life and its difficulties – for example which tea from T2 to try next – he heard a tentative tap tap on his front door. That gentle knock could only one thing for Liam since he lived alone and had no friends except two lovely idiots. He got up wearily, detaching himself from his favourite spinney chair, dragging himself to the door opening it and finding himself completely and utterly surprised.

Instead of seeing either Zayn, Harry or both, there was a box at his feet. It was a medium sized standard cardboard box, big enough to fit a head Liam thought randomly. He shook the disturbing thought out of his head and took the box into his living room. Whatever was in it was about as heavy as a couple of apples and was sliding around in the box. He placed it on his mahogany table and was just about to reach for the box when whatever was in there moved of its own accord.

Shit shit shit shit shit was all that was running through Liam’s head as his heart pounded erratically.

Where is the lighter?

I need some kindling.


These thoughts whizzed around Liam’s head as he stood stock still, unable to rip his eyes away from the devil package.

Then it mewed. Liam then went into his ‘dad/worried’ mode.

There was some poor kitten or cat stuck in this tiny box, probably as frightened as he was just seconds ago. He ripped open the box to find a small puddle of fur at the bottom of the box. It looked up at him with startling sapphire eyes and mewled again. Liam instantly fell in love with the fluff ball.

He picked it up tentatively, not so much worrying if the kitten would scratch him, more because he was worried about the kitten being frightened/ by him.

“Hey kitty, where did you come from?” Liam murmured sweetly, clutching the kitten to his broad chest. The cat meowed and snuggled into Liam’s chest, purring. Liam didn’t want to disturb the kitten but he had to check if there was a letter or message or something explaining where in the world this kitty came from.

Low and behold, there was a letter.

It read:

Dearest Li-Li

You are a loner. We all know that.

Z and I saw this kitty in an animal shelter and we both thought that she would be perfect for you.

Hope you like her!

I'm sure that if you bring her to school, you can keep her in your office.

You won’t lose what little street cred you possess, I promise.

Lots of L-O-V-E

Hazzy and Zaynikins

Liam looked down at the bundle of fur that was napping in his arms and nearly cussed. Harry and Zayn both knew that once Liam lay eyes on the cat, that he wouldn’t be physically able to take it back to the shelter. It took a couple hours of convincing Harry to give it to Liam after the boys had bought it but they both decided that they didn’t have enough time to look after a kitten with a practically 24/7 job on their hands.

So there Liam was holding a massive responsibility in his arms.


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