Chapter 6: On the Fringes of Society

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Chapter 6: On the Fringes of Society

“And he just lay there?” Zayn asked incredulously.

“Yep, I'm placing all my money on the fact that Louis is at least bisexual” Harry responded jovially. They were both silent, they were in their English class doing no work because they had both already written what was to be an A to B+ essay concerning the theme of Fate and Tragedy in Macbeth. Just usual English crap.

Suddenly the door to the classroom burst open and in came a panting Mr Payne, his eyes were wide and his forehead was glistening with sweat. Miss Collins – the English teacher – looked stunned but asked why he was there.

“Could I please – take Mr Styles and – Mr Malik” Liam panted franticly, Miss Collins nodded slowly and Zayn and Harry both left the classroom swiftly.

“What happened?” Harry questioned nervously at his hysterical friend.

“I can’t find Deona!” Liam panted frantically, Harry and Zayn exchanged worried looks.

“Where could the kitty be? Where did you last see her?” Zayn asked quickly. Liam shrugged and continued to breathe heavily.

“Mate, for a sport teacher, you're not that fit” Harry grumbled. Liam shot him a look.

“I have been sprinting around the school for the whole period!” Liam was slowly regaining his breath; Harry just shrugged and scanned the halls.

If I were a curious kitty, where would I be? Harry thought. He immediately took off sprinting, yelling “I know where she is”

Liam and Zayn were close behind him, they ran into the sports shed.

“She wouldn’t be in-” Liam began, but he was cut off by a small ‘meow’. Harry bent down and crawled across the floor, finally seeing a flash of white and cream fur, he stuck his hand out and snatched the kitten from under one of the ball bins. He returned the fluff ball to Liam, smirking victoriously.

“But how did you know?” Liam whined, stroking Deona.

“This is like a jungle for her, there are so many things for her to climb under and over, any cat would love it!” Harry responded simply. They then heard the feint ring of the bell. They then disbanded without another word.

“Zayn, don’t you think that there would be more than one ‘outcast’ as such?” Harry asked after a small prelude of silence. Zayn looked at Harry suspiciously and Harry returned a look of hopefulness and just then the most serendipitous thing happened; they bumped into a very pretty but sad looking girl.

Her blond floss like hair looked as if someone with a pair of safety scissors had chopped it off, she had deep circles under her green eyes and her clothes hung off her body in a very unattractive manor. She walking to the direction of the sports shed which was at the back of the school. She looked frightened when Harry and Zayn just stood there analysing her.

“Hey, who are you hanging out with?” Zayn asked, the girl looked stunned but overall looked sceptical.

“Why do want to know?” she spat out.

“Well, we have quite a few seats to fill at our lunch table, you want to fill one?” Harry responded coolly. She looked at both the boys with narrowed eyes.

“Hey, I know who you two are-” she began

“Yeah we’re the ‘gays’” Zayn chirped happily, the girl looked shocked that the boys were so ok with the label.

“Well if you don’t mind being seen with the sl** of the school, sure” she sassed.

“Sure we don’t!” Harry and Zayn responded lightly, hooking an arm around each of the girls’ arms and frog marching her to the cafeteria.

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