Part 15. Strange.

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The next morning Ash was greeted to a rather strange difference. When he reached Roger's kitchen, he was met with the sight of Jordan, who was wearing a white tank top and matching short shorts, making some food while humming to herself. Her hair was pulled back into what looked like it was supposed to be a ponyta-tail, but it looked like an absolute mess, and there were quite a few loose strands of hair poking up in odd places.
"Morning, Ashworth!" Jordan called over the rather loud radio that was blasting some old timey song from the corner of the kitchen. This was what shocked Ash the most, the fact that Jordan was talking to him again, seemingly as if nothing had happened between them yesterday.
"Uh...morning..." Ash replied, extremely confused by the 180 that Jordan's personality had gone through overnight.
"I didn't know what you wanted to eat so you'll have to make your own! Sorry!"
"N-no, it's okay, I'm not hungry." Ash stuttered out before sitting down at the dining room table, where Roger and Arnold were both chowing down on huge stacks of pancakes. With a small sigh, Ash booted up his laptop, which he had left on the table last night, and opened up a document that he had started compiling information about the Maiarian People on. After scanning through the notes he had already typed out, he started writing out the message that was on the wall slab at the Ruins of Alph, with hopes of decoding it.

However, even after a few hours of staring at his screen, he couldn't make heads or tails of the message. Ash couldn't help but let out a loud groan of annoyance, running his hands through his bedhead hair. "Why is this so bloody difficult!?" He exclaimed, leaning back in his chair to take a breather. He never really had too much trouble deciphering Maiarian messages back in uni, so why was he struggling so much now?
"What's up?" Jordan's voice was right in Ash's ear, making him become stiff from shock, goosebumps running down his arms. After a few still seconds, Ash looked up at Jordan, to see her wearing a rather loose fitting dress that looked more like a tank top that was several sizes too large, along with a baby blue towel that was on her head, wrapped like some sort of turban. "You okay, Ashworth? You seem a little tense."
"N-no, I'm f-fine," Ash managed to mumble out, looking at his lap to hide his reddening cheeks.
"Well, okay then." Jordan then leant over Ash slightly to get a closer look at what was on his computer screen, and Ash couldn't help but notice that Jordan's dress was hanging in such a way that from this angle, Ash could in fact confirm Jordan's statement about her chested-ness."Uh-huh, okay..."
"D-do you understand it?"
"Nope!" Jordan exclaimed, standing up straight. "But hey, now that we've been to the ruins, we have a few days to relax, so stop working and let's go sightseeing!"

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