Part 18. A Heartbreaking Reminder.

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It was now a few days before Christmas, and Jordan had issued a 'no work' policy, meaning that even though Ash had to show up to the Antique shop still, he was banned from partaking in any sort of research or anything related to work while in the perimeter of the building.

At this moment in time, Jordan had scampered off to make her special "Vanillite Deluxe" drink that, based on the smell coming from the kitchen, contained rather a lot of alcohol, while Ash was looking through the bookshelves on the second floor, trying to find something that he wouldn't get crucified for reading, while also regretting the promise he had made to Jordan about revealing his own biggest secret, as even now the mere memory of the incident was eating away at him. It always did, no matter how expertly he covered up his emotions.
"Hey Ashworth!" Jordan called as she headed up the steps, holding a tray of two sundae glasses filled to the brim with a creamy white drink covered in whipped cream and white chocolate flakes. "Be ready to get super drunk and tell me that secret you've been hiding!" Ash cringed at the thought, pondering whether or not to hide among the bookcases to avoid speaking to her. Jordan was downright mental at times.

However, Ash opted to stay out in the open, to 'be a man' as his dad would say. So, when Jordan reached the second floor and noisily clunked down the tray, Ash didn't need to do much as take a sip of the drink before finally talking about the worst incident of his life. "Right, so how much am I gonna need to pour down your throat for you to tell me?" Jordan giggled as she sized it up in her mind, still sporting her Christmassy dress. "I bet it's probably about an ex girlfriend who was a total whore. Or maybe, are you still a virgin? Now that would be juicy."
"It's not that, okay? Cut it out." Ash managed to almost choke out, shoving his hands into the pockets of the hoodie that one of his old uni friends had sent him for Christmas.
"Well what is it then? Come on, spill!"
"Well..." Ash sighed and took a shaky breath before looking away from Jordan. "During the summer before my second year at New Moon Academy, my twin sister Penelope and I, we were on holiday with our parents in Unova...Penny and I wandered off to this really big city, and we got separated from each other and lost. Our parents managed to find me by sunset, but we couldn't find Penny...she's been missing ever since."
"Ashworth, I...I'm two must've been close." Jordan walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"We were twins, we were always together. There was a time when she got her hair cut short and people could only tell who was who based on our clothes." Ash let out a small, sad laugh.
"Y'know...if you want, you can take the rest of the month off to spend it with your family. Family means a lot at Christmas." Ash took a few steps from Jordan and hurriedly rubbed his eyes dry with his sleeves.
"It's fine, I'll stay, my parents went off to spend Christmas over in Kanto so it's not like I've got anything better to do."
"Well, then, how about you spend Christmas here? I'm having a little party, and there won't be many people, you should come along it'll be fun." Ash turned to Jordan and gave her a half broken, half warm smile.
"Sure, that sounds great." Jordan then gave him one of the sundae glasses while she was holding the other, and she gently clinked her glass against his.
"Cheers to our first Christmas together!"

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