Chapter 9

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@DontayLong vote to be in the next chapter! It is summer! I am trying to write longer chapters since you guys are amazing~!

I didn't see Luci. Never saw him again until I hit to the meeting room. He pulled out his knife.

"Bella, you only listen to me!" He yelled and charged towards me. I pulled out my knife and waited. I went to the left when he was about to hit and grabbed his wrist. I pulled it and took his other wrist and pinned him to the wall.

"I am not a doll. I am a strong country that will it be controlled! You EVER say that again and I will chop you up in little pieces and serve you to the poor!" I yelled and the room turned to quiet you could hear a pen drop.

I took his knife and smiled. "I am (Y/N). " I said to the group a mainly men a few girls.

"For being raised by 1ps you are pretty cool , eh?" A Canidian said.

_-~Timeskip brought to you by Cheese Ramen~-_

After I met everyone, which was a really long time, I went to my room. By my room I mean Luci's room.

I changed into one of Luci's tops and his boxers. I laid face down on the bed not getting under the covers. Luci came out of the bathroom.

"Bella, I do not like the way you acted in front of the others." He said.

I turned to my side to see him leaning against the bathroom door playing with his knife, which I so kindly returned.

"And?" I question sitting up and yawned.

"You need to be punished." He said and walked towards me. "Luci, I am going to defend myself." I warned and stretched.

"No, Bella, you won't. Lutz, do the honors." He said to me and a wet cloth was put on my mouth.

_-~Timeskip brought to you by Tacos~-_

I woke up tied to a chair. "G-Gilbert, I swear if this is one of your pranks again.." I said looking around.

What happened? All I remember is Gilbert putting me to bed last night.

Let's think, I am 99 years old, my birthday is tomorrow, I am the country of (C/N), and I live in the UN center because it is easier.

"Bella~" a man, who looked a lot like Italy, said walking in with a wine glass and a knife.

He had a brown uniform and a hat to match. The hat had a little feather coming out of it.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him glaring. I was thinking about how I can get out.

"You remember who I am, no?" He asked me with a look that I couldn't read in his eyes.

"I never seen you in my whole life."

"Lutz!" He yelled throwing the knife at the door. A blonde, who looked a lot like Germany, came in and stood waiting for the not Italy to speak.

"Did she ever hit her head?" The not Italy asked the not Germany. The not Germany nodded, "She hit her head on the elevator and on the floor."

I Been Living A Lie [2p!Italy X 2p!Country!Reader ] Where stories live. Discover now