Chapter 25: Spying?

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Steven's POV~

I thought of this opportunity to ask her why she's been acting strange lately. Especially when Connie's around.

"Peridot." I looked into her eyes sincerely. I felt her shiver.

"Y-yes?" Her voice trembled with emotions.

"I wanted to ask you why you've been acting strange lately. Especially when Connie's around." I asked her straight to the point. I saw her eyes widen and her face fluster.

"I-I uhh..." Her face turned into dark green and her smile turned into a worried frown.

I spun her around to follow on the beat of the music and held her again.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I leaned closer to see her eyes better.

Peridot's POV~

'I can't tell him! I am not even certain about how I even feel about him. But if I tell him will he have the same feelings as I?'

Mixed thoughts and emotions kept spinning through my head just because I couldn't tell him what I feel.

'I need to come up of an excuse.'

"I-it's b-because... I felt left out?" My voice trembled and I felt worried about his response. That wasn't really the best excuse but I could live with that.

"Oh." His persuasive look became a frown. As if he was expecting a different answer from me.

He twirled me around again and held my waist.

"Are you sure that's the only thing you want to tell me?" He looked into my eyes like he was entering my emotions. I tried to look away but it was locked.

"Y-yes." I lied. I knew it in myself that I wanted to tell him what I feel but I wanted to ensure it first.

'B-but what if Connie confesses to Steven and Steven will have the same feelings too? Then I will never have a chance.

Might as well leave it that way. Besides it's obvious that will never like me.'

"Uhh Peridot?" I snapped back to reality. I looked back at Steven and he was staring at me.

I realized that I got lost in my thoughts.

"You okay?" He asked me as he danced me around with the flow.

"Y-yeah." I sighed.

I saw somebody tug on the back of Steven's clothing.

Steven turned around and I looked behind him.

It was Connie.

"H-hey Steven, can I talk to you for a moment?" Connie asked as she tugged on Steven's 'tuxedo'.

"O-okay." We stopped dancing and Steven told me to wait here so I nodded.

'Where are those two going?'

I thought as they walked farther, disappearing into the crowd. Since I didn't wanna be alone, I went to the bench where Lapis sat earlier.

"Hey where's Steven?" I heard a familiar voice.
It was Amethyst. Eh it wasn't surprising.

"Connie asked him to come with her for a little while." I explained, not looking at her.

"Oh. Maybe Connie will finally confess her feelings for him." She nudged me. My face heated up.

'Maybe she will. Or maybe she won't. Or if she does then what if Steven feels the same way?! Then he will never like m- Why am I even worrying about these sorts of things?!'

'He will never ever like me.'

"Maybe he's better off with her." I placed my elbow on my lap and leaned my face on my hand.

"Ooh. Harsh." Amethyst sounded like she was trying to annoy me.

"You know you don't have to be so bitter." Her statement made me intrigued.

"Steven might have some feelings for you too!" She exclaimed. My hopes rose. It could be possible but... I don't really know...

"Maybe he doesn't." I responded coldly.

"Or maybe he does! How would you know if you don't find out for yourself?" She questioned.

'She was right. How would I know if I don't figure it out myself?'

I thought of so many ways to do that but I decided what Anethyst thought about since she was the one who thought about the idea.

"So what are you suggesting?"

"Follow those two!" My eyes widened. 'I'm not going to spy on them!'

"Are you cracked?! I'm not going to spy on them!" I stuttered.

"Well how would you know if you don't try? Besides I asked Garnet." She winked. Well that sort of convinced me.

"Ok b-but don't tell the others." I stood and fixed my clothing.

"Ok but I think Garnet knows this." She smiled.

I walked over to the closed crowd. It was a really closed crowd. I looked for the two and spotted them on the bench.

Hope you guys like the new cover! Also sorry for not posting a lot lately. I couldn't really use my phone that often though. :)

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