Linda needs a Choice

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Part 17

It had been 1680 hours since Louis had left the hospital that is 70 days, or its 10 weeks, or its two months since the boy she loves walked out the door, and that is all she talks about. She kicked him out of the room and when he tried to ask why she just pushed him away.

I had never seen her like this it broke my heart knowing that my best friend was aching so badly. The reason I knew how many hours he had been gone, is because she told me this over and over and I was about to go crazy.

She watched as Tyler's body failed him slowly it was killing her. I was scared I was going to loses both of them to this thing that was killing him. I tried to convince her to call him, but all she said was that he needed to go, that if he didn't he would lose his job that he loved. She also kept saying that she loved him it was like she had turned into a shell of who she was.

Niall called me every day, and I would hear Louis asking about her in the background. He sounded so hurt I wished that he would have fought harder, but he just left.

"Is she ok?" Niall asked after finally waving off Louis so he could hear me. Ha, I laughed sarcastically into the phone.

"She pushed him away how do you think she is she's counting the hours since he left, I think she's cried so much that she can't any more" I told him honestly. I hadn't seen him since they left because she didn't just make Louis leave she made them all leave.

Flash back

Niall came back to say bye to me and Harry came to say bye to Tyler, but we had to make sure it was when she was there. She kept saying Louis couldn't come in. I had to make her leave to get some food, so that I seek them all in to say bye to him. It was heartbreaking to watch Louis say goodbye to Tyler.

"Louis where are you going?" he asked in his raspy little voice

"Well buddy," he said choking on his every word. "I have to go, my job called and they need me back." He could barely hold back the tears he was holding.

"But, I need you" the little boy started to cry "pick me up pleaseee take me with you!" he yells.

I felt the cold water run from my eyes as I watched the two of them talk.

"this isn't right" I whispered to Niall who had ahold of my hand "she can't just decide that he has to go"

I turned to look at Niall but, he was crying too.

"hey sh its ok bub I will always be here for you no matter what just ask Linda, and she will call me. I want you to have this" Louis tells him as he pulls out a rope green and blue bracelet out of his pocket.

"If you are ever scared or just need me around just look at this and remember I'm here" he said with tears running down his face. "Now I have to go, you be good for you'r mom and the nurses, and just remember I love you." Louis then choked out a loud cough/ cry.

"ok mate we need to go," Zayns says as he walks up and places his hand on Lou's shoulder.

"ok" he whispers back then, he bent down to kiss Ty on the forehead . He turned to stand up and walk away.

"No, daddy please I'll do anything please I won't be sick anymore please just don't go!" tyler begged

Louis tried to ignore the cries of Tyle. He kept walking to the door because I'm sure if he turned around He would have never left.

"Linda make him stop, please" Louis begged me but, there was no way I could move or help I was in shock.

"Please" his voice cracked then he ran out the door. That was the last time I saw him.

"Linda!" Tyler cried.

Comming back to I turned and ran for him. He had his arms open wide and as soon as I reached him I pulled him into my arms and rocked him. We were both crying. I looked around to the boys but three of them just stood there Harry had run out after Louis.

"Linda why does my daddy hate me" He sobbed into my chest.

"O baby he doesn't hate you he just had to go work he will be back" I lied. But nothing could console him. He cried and cried, I knew I had to calm him down but, wasn't sure how.

I looked up to Niall for help his face stained with water also. He sakes his head then starts to talk.

:Hey Ty, how about we sing one last song for you before we leave we promise we will call you." He whispers.

This caught Tys attention he looked up then starts shaking his head quickly.

The 3 boys left in the room singing Jackie's favorite song which slowly put Tyler to sleep. They all walked out the door.

Niall looked back one more time blew a kiss to me then walked out. I was left there alone with Tyler.

"Linda ?" I heard Niall say bringing me back out of.

"Yeah, babe what's up?" I had to smile because he had asked me to be his girlfriend before all this had happened.

"Uhh so I was thinking maybe you could um come on the tour?" I could hear the whine he had.

It was very noticeable when he wanted something he would whine a little and it that didn't work he turned on the Irish charm which I usually fell for but it just couldn't happen right now.

"Ni you know I can't someone has to take care of these two once he's better I will I promise.... Tyler has to get better I know he can.... " I whispered. The phone line when's silence until I hear Louis yelling in the background.

"I LOVED HER WHHHY DIDD SH-E MMake ME LEAVE?" I heard him yell I sighed at the sound of Louis state of mind. I was confused because I thought he had stopped drinking

"Is he drunk?" I questioned Niall...

"Is who drunk!"I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Uhh umm ya well umm Jackie why are you out here?" I asked trying to change the subject quickly..

"No Linda stop!" she yelled at me " Who are you talking to is it Niall? Or Louis" she whispered his name and pain shot accross her face because she realized what was happening.

"Let me talk to him please" she begged me but I knew it was a bad idea

"Jackie are you sure that's a good idea he's umm not all there right now I don't want something bad to happen..." I reminded her hopping she would take my advice. I hatted telling her what to doubt I wanted her to think about it before she actually took the phone.

"Yes I need to talk to him I should be acing like an adult and how I acted was not right, I need to make things right.."she said as she reached for my phone.

I stood by listing to the conversation when suddenly Tyler's heart moneter started to go off.

I looked at Jackie then ran for the door.

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