The Beach

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"Louis what's going on! Tell me what did Harry do!" I was freeken out. O man I'm gonna cut that curly haired kids.

"Ok I'll let you talk to her but I don't think you will want to.."

The look on Lou's face was kinda hard to place as he handed the phone to me.

"Jackie I didn't mean to! I wasn't even touching him. I'm not sure what happened he just started crying and said he was in pain! There is a purple mark on his leg and...." He was talking so fast I almost didn't catch what happened then I figured it out, Ty has been stung by a jelly fish. I calmed down, I couldn't be mad at Harry there was really nothing he could have done but he's not gonna like what he has to do. I chuckled at his panicked stated which made him stop talking.

" ok ok Harry Harry harrrrrry" I was having a hard time speaking.

"And he just stated crying and I don't know what to do Jackie I'm really sorry I don't know what happened and it was an accident really " he sounded like a child in trouble with his thick accent.

He just kept talking at this point, he just was babbling I think he was scared I was gonna yell at him.

But I couldn't control my laughter.

"Are you laughing?" he used his really high pitched voice causing me to laugh more.

" Haz there is a simple way to take care of Ty it's kinda gross but you have to do it or it will get worse." I really didn't want Harry to pee on my son but it has to happen.

"Ok just tell me please!" he begged

"Harry you have to pee on Tyler..."

Harry's pov

"Umm excuse me what?" I said a bit in shock

"I have to what umm no no no I will not do that" I don't want to pee on her kid that's so nasty...

"Harry that's what you have to do to get the pain and burning to go away please just do it!" She said I could hear Louis howling in the back ground laughing at me ugh I'll never live this down.

" Can I get him to do it himself?" I said in hopes she would say yes cuz this is gonna be gross.

"He's 5 he won't know how to so either you man up and do it or just let it get worse then have me kill you." she wouldn't but I knew I didn't want that so maybe I could get Niall to do it he likes to pee on things.

"Hey can I get one of the other boys to do it?" I asked praying in my head she would say yes, I knew she wouldn't care who did it as long as it got done.

" I don't care just one of you do it and fast."

"Ok so let me get this strait, you want one of us to pee on your son" I said slow enough so she would understand just how crazy this sounded. Ugh why me this is nasty maybe Liam will do it....

"Ok well we will see you later and do it now so it's not any worse!" she says quickly then hangs up.

Well Ty won't like me after this I thought to myself maybe I could buy him a car to make it up.

"Jackiiieee don't make me....beep beep beep beep" well some mother she is she hung up on me. I slip my iPhone into my bathing suit pocket then I slowly walk over to a crying Tyler sitting in Liam's lap on a lawn chair. I motion Zayn to come over to me hopping to convince him that is was his job to pee on the kid.

"Vas happenen bro?" Zayn says in his all to perky voice I grinned at the unknowing Zayn, I knew what I was gonna have to do lie.

"Well I called Jackie and she well umm said I have to well umm ugh I really don't want to do this ugh..." I said looking down at the ground not wanting to look Z in the eyes while telling him this.

"Harreh just spit it out tell me what you hv t do!" He yell's at me.

"Well Jackie said that I have pee on the burn that Ty has! Ok are you happy now I told that's what I have to do I have to pee on Tyler and now he's gonna hate me for it!" I said quite quickly . After I finish what I had to say I see a very evil grin spread across Zayn's face. An apparently Niall and Liam heard to because I turn around and they were laughing as hard as possible Nialls normally white face has turned absolutely beat red.

"Ooo he's not gonna like this I can't believe this." Zayn laughs. I have never wanted to hit Zayn in the 4 years that I've known him. But today was the 1st.

"Uncle Harry what are you going to do" I looked down at this boy that had broken threw my damaged heart that helped me realize that there is still joy in the world knowing he was going to not like me for a while.

"Well buddy I'm gonna have to pour pee on you to make it stop hurting. Is that ok?" He made the funniest face a face that was discussed

"Well since it sood help I guess that's ok..."

"Ok well let me go get a cup and we will take care of it how does that sound?" I found a plastic red cup and went and peed in it and walked back to Tyler.

"Eww that smells nasty" he yells as he scrunched up his nose .

"I know buddy but it will help" as I pored the pee on him he yelp

"Ok how's that"

"It feel better can we go play now!" I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead he smiled back at me

"Yeah buddy lets go!"

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