Go with me

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3 days till the funeral.

She was sat in our bedroom reading a book when I walked in. I was going to ask her to go out with me. She hadn't left her room for about 2 weeks.

She needed to get out of the house but, I wasn't sure she would go for it.

"Hey babe, do you wanna"

"No" she said before I could even get my words out.

"But, Jackie you can't stay in this room forever. If you do you will die and I don't think I could live with out you." I plead. But I knew it was pointless.

"Lou I don't want to go anywhere." She screamed at me. I flinched but really she had been doing this all week so there was no point in fighting back.

"I'm sorry but I can't loose you" I let a tear fall down my cheek. But, she just sighs and shakes her head no again.

"If you go out with me once I won't bother you until the funeral I promise"

She stares at me with no emotion at all. I was a bit intimidated but I just shrugged it off.

"Ugh Louis fine if it will get you off my back!" She yells at me once again but, I didn't care. She was going with me and that's all that mattered.

"Where are we going?" she says with no emotion at all.

"Well I was thinking we would go to eat and maybe a movie?" I tried to hide my excitement but I knew she could see right through it.

" Ok tomo just because I said yes doesn't mean you've won it just means that I'm trying to get you to quit nagging me" she smirks. I hadn't seem anything close to a smile on her face so this was a start.

Jackis pov

He had convicted me to go with him but, I don't think I really have a choice.

We got in the car and drove to snoopy's because he wanted to try real sea food. I knew it was going to be cold but I'd do what ever it took to make him smile.

Even if I didn't want to. We were on our way. Neither of us had said anything to each other for about half way.

"I love you" he whispers with out even looking at me. the look in his eyes scared me, a thousand thoughts ran through my head in about 5 seconds.

Love is a lost cause.

Everyone leaves.

Why do you love me.

All I cause is pain.

Where do we go from here.

When I heard all these thoughts I realized I was not right and I needed to fix myself.

"Yeah you 2" I mumble

He pulls my hand to him mouth and kisses it across my knuckles.

I felt nothing. I couldn't feel anything. Why should I my baby is lost and so am I.

I'm unstable.

"So I have a little surprise for you after diner instead of a movie."

Great I have to go out longer. I almost groaned but, I held it in.

"Yeah babe? What is it?" I fake a smile that he sees right through.

"It's a surprise" he smirks.

We walk out of the restront to get to the limo he had ordered. I just wasn't really into it but he seemed to be. I watched as the cars flew by out the window. I wished I was at home in my bed because that was the closest I could be to having any memory of Tyler.

I was slowly drifting to sleep when I felt his strong grip on my hand that laid on the seat. I looked over to him and he gave me a half hearted smile. In return I just starred at his well sculptured face.

I had never noticed just how perfect he looked. With his perfect colored eyes that made you feel safe to the crinkles on the side of his face he got when he laughed really hard or smiled. It had been weeks since either of us had truly smiled.

I have felt so empty for the past few weeks that I just wanted to feel something. I do love him, but I was so shattered I wasn't sure that if it was ok to love him. Everyone I love just seems to disappear.

I leaned over the seat inching closer to him. I straddled his lap so I was facing him. I placed both hands in his hair so I could pull his face closer.

I decided he was moving to slow so I put my lips on his. I was hungry for his lip for him for everything. I just wanted to feel and this was the only way I could thing of. He tried to say I love you but I pressed my lips harder to his so he couldn't talk. I didn't want I love you I just wanted him.

I wasn't sure where I was taking this but, I knew I needed him.  I reached for the zipper on his pants not caring anymore.

Alittle while later i was sitting next to him trying to catch my breath. I wasn't sure if what I had just done was a mistake or not but, I knew he enjoyed it.

The car pulled to a stop and the passenger door flew open. I striated myself out before a hand came flying through the car door to help me out.

"Have fun?" the car driver mumbled causing my cheeks to go flush a light pink.

"That's enough" I hear Louis growl as he moved quickly to wrap his arm behind my back.

The driver gives us a weird look then walks back to the car.

I look around and surprisingly we are at a beach side.

"Why are we here?" I question but all he does is smile.

We walk over to the water the first thing I see is bright orange hair and a guitar. I'm shock that it is Ed Sheeran.

I stop with my mouth hung open.

"O Lou" I whisper as I grab his hand.

But the only thing that distracts me is the fact that this whole time I still can't feel anything. Every time anyone touches me I can't feel a thing. my heart is broken and I'm not sure how to fix it.

"There is more" he smiles then pulls me to the beach. Ed is quietly strumming the guitar and humming Small bump as he walks behind us. We walk around the corner and to my surprise I see everyone standing on the edge of the water with lanterns floating in their hands.

I gasp at the sight and I hear Louis chuckle. When I see all their faces they have tears in their eyes but smiles on their faces.

I let go of Louis and run to hug Linda.

"I can't believe this thank you" I smile

But she just shakes her head. "don't thank me thank Louis" he smile is wide but, her eyes are sad.

I turn to my boyfriend and hug his neck. They hand me and Louis a lantern.

"Everyone these lap represent the light that Tyler had in him. Remember him as he alway was the sunshine in our lives he will alway be loves and always be missed." Louis says to our friend who are around us.

We all release our lanterns. It was like watching giant fire flys glide through the sky over the water.

Tears were running down my face. we were siting watching the laps as Ed played in the back ground slow music. I knew every song he played by heart.

We sat on the beach as one by one everyone left except for Louis Linda Niall Ed Harry and myself.

We sat in silence for a while until Ed stood to leave.

"Jackie I know I never knew Tyler but, I'm sorry for your loss." he looks down and smiles at me.

"Thank you" I mumbles as he walks away.

I turn my attention back over to louis. he leans over and whispers, "I love you and will love you forever." this time I felt something but it wasn't love it was guilt.

He loves me with everything he has but, I'm not sure I have anything else to love him with.

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