Save you

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Jacki's POV ( 2 night's later)

We were leaving in a week so Louis Tyler and I sent the day with Hanks parents. And Max and Lillian fussed over Louis so much. I was so glad they loved him. They were the best thing I had to parent. So their approval was high on my list. Once we got home it was strait to bed for Tyler. I watching an episode of New Girl while waiting for Louis to come in to our room.

Tyler wanted just Lou to tuck him in, said he wanted to talk to him. I just rolled my eyes and walked back into my room to watch tv.

I hear a sound at my door so I look to see Louis standing their smiling at me.

"He go down easy?" I ask smiling back.

"Yep all is good." he walks over and lays down to watched tv with me. Every once in a while we laughed at something funny that happens.

"hey Jackie?" he said almost to quite that I couldn't hear him

"yeah Lou what up?" I turn off the tv because I could feel him get tense. He looked like he was going puke.

"Are you going to throw up?" I asked scared of what ever he ate was going to be all over me.

"Uhh no no it's just I uh do you think I will be a good role model for Tyler? I'm worried that I'll disappoint you while we are on tour and I mean I don't want to loose you. I'm excited that you two are going but I'm scare i'll mess it all up..." He rambled on.

I reached up to his face pulling his face to mine, my lips met his soft pink one's making him stop with his babbling.

Our lips moved in sync until we both couldn't breathe causing me to pull away.

"No babe I think that you will do great. Did you see the smile on his face the other night  when he saw the iron man thing. You treat him great when you are with him so I don't see any point in worrying. It will be great for Tyler! He will be able to see the world. That's what I' ve always wanted for him is to see the world. Everything here reminds us both of Hank."

I froze looking off into another time before Tyler was even born.

"Jacki if you could have anything for our baby what would it be?" Hank asks as we were cuddled in our big chair in the living room watching Star Wars for the billionth time.

"Well I want to take it everywhere to see the world the way that anyone should. I want him to learn that just because we have all these nice things not everyone does. I want to teach them that we are bless so we need to help others who don't have what we have." I explain then leaned my head against his kissing the side of his face.

"What about you what do you want for jellybean here." I asks

"Well I want everything you want but, I also want him to be a doctor!" He winks as I roll my eyes.

"How do you know it's a boy" I retort even though I have the same suspicion.

"Well I just know and well hope." He smiles as he looks back to see Darth Vader cut of Luke's hand.

Coming back to

I shake my head then I say "But, when you came into our lives you changed every thing for the better. I have no doubt in my mind you will be a great role model for Tyler because you already are." He smiled at me then leaned down to kissed my for head then settled in behind me.

He reached around wrapping his arms around me. He nuzzled his nose in my hair I could feel his warm breathed on the back of my neck. "I love you" he placed a small kiss on the back of my head.

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