I love you

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Louis pov(4 weeks later)

It had been approximately 4 weeks since I'd ask Jackie to go with me on tour

She seemed so excited. Since I had run off and found me a proper girlfriend management decided we needed a month break just so we could get ready to leave for tour again.

I walked into the house from playing basket ball with the boys when I had heard a loud grunt come from the bedroom.

Sadly my thoughts when strait to something bad. I was freaking out, I thought she was cheating on me.

A tear fell down my cheek at the thought. So I decide to investigate the situation.

I walk slowly down the hall way and peeked my head into the bed room.

To my joy she was not cheating she was laying in bed asleep. I checked the bathroom to make sure I was right.

When I was 100% sure I tiptoed back into the bed room. She was quite a funny site to see. She was all the way under the covers except her leg was hanging off the side of the bed.

She had her mouth wide open and drool all the way down her chin. I was trying not to laugh at her but she just looked so cute.

I decide that I was going to lay on top of her. I walk over then lay down, instead of hitting me like I thought she would she hums then cuddles into my neck, I hear her take a beep breath, breathing in my sent then she lightly pressed her lips to my neck. She moved her lips up the nape of my neck and on to the corner of my jaw.

I pulled back to see her eyes were still closed with a smile on her face.. I leaned down a pressed my lips to her bear shoulder then copied her actions but this time moving to her cheek slowly making my way to her lips.

She sighed happily still not opening her eyes.I nudged her nose with mine then laid my head down on her chest.

"If you weren't my incredibly hot boyfriend I would have chopped your baby maker off." she mumbled into my hair..

I laughed then looked at her face. "If I wasn't your incredibly hot boyfriend I would kick my arse out the door." Causing her to giggle. I reach my hands under the blanket and place my hands on her back

"Are you naked?" I ask raising my eyebrow. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed yet.

She hides her face in my neck,and I can feel the heat rise in her face.

"YESSS it was really hot out side and I was really sweaty and..." she started babling I cut her off with a kiss then ran my hands down her back.

I laughed when just by my touch she shivered. I wanted her so badly, but I knew she wasn't ready.

"Louis I umm we umm" She stuttered but I just shook my head kissing the top of her nose then laid my head back down.

"I'm sorry" She whispers, but I just shake my head again.

"No love it's fine we don't have to do anything you aren't ready for"

"OK" she whispers weakly

She then grabbed both of my shoulder and pulled me as close as she possibly could.

"I love you, you know that right." I whisper

She franticly shakes her head."Mhmm I love you too"

I laid my head back down on her chest breathing in her fimiliar smell.

We lay in silence for a while untill I decide to get up and go to the bathroom.

When I get back in the room she is dressed but still laying in bed.

"I liked how you were before but I guess this will do." I tease

She smiles up at me

"Come here and cuddle" she reaches up for me and pouts I just roll my eyes then walk back over to her laying down and wrapping my arms around her body.

"Wanna watch a movie?" she mumbles while flipping through the channels.

"yeah sure how about that new Ann Hathaway movie?" I suggest. I hear her chuckle


"That is a very girly movie" She laughs even harder now

"EH i watched it with Haz and it was ok I just thought you'd like it " I shrug defending myself.

"ok so lets watch it then" she finally stops laughing

We soon settle down watching the movie.

In the middle of Master of the House I hear her whisper "I love you"

I smile when I hear her. I tare my eyes away from the movie to see she is asleep. She's talking in her sleep.

"Who do you love babe?" I whisper in her ear. She groans then rolls further into my chest.

"Loouuuu" she mumbles to me. I laugh then whisper again

"Where is the ice cream?" because I wanted I cream.

"I hid it" she talks back. "UGH"

"WHAT WHAT" she yells startled my my sudden out burst

"No no its ok babe its just me!" I grab a hold of her calming her down.

"O OK so you want some ice cream?" she smirks then hops up and runs off.

Yall please vote and comment! I really wanna know what you think! lyl

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