Lindas speech

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Warning you may cry!!!!

She looked out into the crowd searching for the eyes of the guy she was falling deeply for. Niall smiled at her the have her an encouraging smile and nod that gave her the confidence that she needed to talk in front of all these people. Then she looked for her best friends eyes but, Jackie was starring off into space in her own world. She let a few tears fall down her face then takes a deep breath.

"Tyler was one of the best thing to happen to our little family. He made us all laugh and never wanted anyone to be unhappy." She pauses to keep from just loosing herself and falling apart.

"If he couldn't make you smile he would get upset. Im sure he's up in heaven playing tag with his grandparents and father." She closed her eyes for a second she could picture Tyler sitting in front of her laughing at something she had said or a silly face she had made. "Constance and Freddie always treated me like their other child so I felt like I owed it to them to care for Tyler like he was my own nephew. I remember this one time I had gotten into an argument with my sister so I went over to Jackie's house to just get away. I never knocked I just let myself in, Tyler was sitting on the floor playing with the Spider-Man toy I had given him. He always knew when someone was sad or angry. I sat down on the couch next to him and just started crying into my hands but next thing I knew Tyler was in my lap hugging me. He told me that crying was not what super hero's do." she chuckled at her own words.

"I'm not sure how we will go on with out him. He's touched the lives of many, even spending a second with Tyler he changed your life. He was also really funny but, what I think what the funniest part was that he knew he was funny so he would laugh at himself. You could hear his laugh from a mile away just like his mother. He loved water gun fights and super heroes. I think he would have been a fire fighter or cop like his uncle because he thought being a hero was the best thing in the world. Seven is way to early for a child to be taken from his family. I could only imagine what he would have been like as a teenager. Those big blue eye would have had every girl in the world after him and him mother and I swatting them off with a fly swatter. He was a special kid and I know touched everyone's heart. I know he will be watching over all of us. Ty I will love and miss you all way."

She closed her speech then put the toy Spiderman on top of his small casket. It took everything she had to make it back to her seat next to Niall. She could only imagine how Jacki was doing.

After you get done reading this go read the sequel "can I save him?"

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