Chapter 31 : Little Chaos

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I woke up early this morning in Anna's room. I was on the floor. "Ugh. My back hurts." I said as I yawned.

I must've fallen asleep after our fight last night.

Last night, I told Anna that I would go back home to be with my family, the trolls. I won't be gone for a few weeks. Just days probably. But she was strongly against it. She didn't want me to leave. I don't want her to come either because I don't want her to tire herself out and besides, she has to stay here with Elsa.

I looked at Anna. If I was somebody else, I wouldn't believe it if someone told me that Anna was a princess.

Her room was a mess. Clothes here and there. It's a miracle that Gerda could survive cleaning this.

I gently stood up and woke Anna up. "Hey, feisty pants. Wake up. It's morning."

"Go away..." She groaned as she covered her face with a pillow.

"Come on, your sister's gonna kill us both if she sees us together in your room."

"Then go out..."

"Seriously?? Come on, Anna. It's time for breakfast anyway." I begged.

"I'm still sleepy..."

"Anna, I can't be late. I'm leaving today, remember??" I reminded her.

"Then leave. Go away..."

"Why did I ever fall in love with a stubborn princess like you?" I whispered.

But unfortunately, Anna's hearing was wide awake.

"What did you just say?!" She hissed.

"Nothing!" I jumped at my feet.

"No, no! That wasn't nothing!" She said as she climbed out of bed.

Any sane person would know to run away if Anna gets angry. And I'm sane enough to get away from her.

"See you at breakfast!" I shouted as I ran for the dining hall.


"The nerve of that man! Ugh!" I stomped as soon as he left my room.

Me? Stubborn? Well yes, but don't you dare say it to my face.

I hastily made my way to the dining hall. I didn't care what my hair looked like or how crumpled my dress... I mean, Elsa's dress was. I was too mad at the time to think about such.

When I got to the dining hall, Kristoff was sitting at his spot at the table, calmly eating his breakfast. Gerda was standing in the corner.

If he thinks that I wouldn't make a scene because of Gerda's presence, well he's wrong.

"Gerda." I called.

"Yes, your Highness?" She responded politely.

"Please depart for a moment. I have to talk to Kristoff. ALONE." I say to her, emphasizing the word 'alone'.

I saw Kristoff gulp in nervousness as Gerda left the premises.

"Anna, let's not fight about this anymore." He pleaded. "You know I didn't mean it."

"Really? Why say it in the first place when you didn't mean it?" I queried.

"Because you were really being stubborn." He replied.

"Ex-kah-use me??"

"You know we were gonna be dead meat if Elsa sees us together in your room. Yet you refuse to come along with me for breakfast." Kristoff explained.

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