Chapter 45 : Early Preparations

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I escorted Elsa to the garden and there we found Anna and Kristoff.

"You've made a decision?" Elsa asked, her voice calm and gentle.

"Yes. We actually did." Anna said nervously.

"We decided to keep it to ourselves for a moment. If that's okay?" Kristoff asked.

"Uhm... Okay?" Elsa replied, unsure of what was happening.

"We're still engaged! That's all you need to know." Anna added with a smile on her face.

"Why can't you tell us the decision??" I asked out of curiosity.

They both looked at each other and smiled. "That is between the both of us and no one else. You'll know when the wedding will be when we tell you." Anna beamed.

"Why???" I pouted.

"Because." Anna said blowing raspberry.

"But we're like family..." I frowned.

"Ha. ha. We still won't tell." Anna teased.

Elsa and Kristoff laughed, hearing our little argument.

"Enough already, both of you." Elsa said getting in between us. "You can keep your secret if you want to, Anna. Just don't surprise me on your birthday like you did on my coronation, okay? I'm sure that Jack will leave you alone some time soon."

"Don't worry. I won't." Anna squealed in delight.

"I will??" I asked, contradicting what Elsa just said.

"Yes you will." She said, looking at me in the eye.

"I don't know about that." I said with a sly grin. "We'll see if I can stop nagging Anna and Kristoff about it."

"We'll never tell you no matter what you do." Anna giggled. "Right Kristoff?"

"I'll see."

"What do you mean, you'll see??" Anna jumped at him.

Kristoff laughed. "I'm just kidding."

"You better be." Anna said glaring at him.

Elsa and I looked at them as they teased each other then I noticed Elsa tearing up.

"What's with the tears?" I asked a bit cheery.

"Nothing. I'm just happy that their happy." She said wiping her tears.

"Aww. My little Ice Queen's crying. Come here. I'll hug you." I wrapped my arms around her as she giggled softly, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, what's with all the affection in here?" Anna teased making Elsa pull away and blush from embarrassment.

"Oh. I'm sorry about that." She chuckled nervously. "By the way, Jack and I finished fixing the ballroom for your party. Want to come and see it?"

"Ooohh! I bet it's beautiful!" Anna said with high expectations.

"Of course it is! You know why?" I asked Anna anticipating her answer to come back with a follow up.

"Because, Elsa was the one who arranged it?"

"No, well yes, but no. It's because I helped in preparing it." I said proudly as I float up in the air.

"You're so full of yourself." said Anna, crossing her arms across her chest. "I'm sure that it's beautiful even if you didn't help. This is Elsa we're talking about." she stated, hands pointing at her sister who was gracefully walking down the hall. Elsa wasn't bothered by that. She was always perfect in the way she does things. She doesn't leave a single thing unattended.

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