Chapter 43 : Moment of Truth

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"Elsa wait!" I shouted as she flew off with Jack. I needed to tell...err- remind her something but unfortunately, she didn't hear me.

"Kristoff, I need your help."

"For what?"

"Introductions..." I sigh. Marshmallow and I aren't close and I might get eaten or something. So, I should probably keep Kristoff close to me, right?

I opened the door slightly and found Marshmallow playing around in the snow.

"Okay. I can do this. I was born ready. Kristoff back me up." We went outside slowly. It was going smoothly when...

"Wooooahhh!! Aaaaaahh!!!" I landed flat on my butt at the bottom of the staircase. "Okay, that happened." I chuckle nervously as Marshmallow stared at me.

"Hi Marshy... Remember me? I'm Anna." I said as I rubbed my butt.

"You're Queen Elsa's sister." He briefly replied.

"Yes, yes I am. I'm actually here to tell you something." I said shyly.

Kristoff finally finished walking down the stairs and helped me up. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I chuckled and turned back to Marshmallow. "So, Marshy, Elsa and I... just Elsa actually, made some snow people you can be with. They are inside the castle. Hold on, I'll call them."

I gathered my voice and shouted as loud as I could. "Cedriiiic!!! Margareeeet!!! Heleeeen!!!"

Cedric opened the door a few moments later along with Margaret and Helen. They slowly walked towards us and Kristoff was there to give them a hand.

"Come on. It's okay. He won't bite." I say shakily since I did run for my life while this big chunk of living snow was chasing me and Kristoff leading us into falling off a cliff.

"Okay. Marshy, this is Cedric, Margaret and Helen. They will keep you company here." I put on my pleasing smile to convince Marshy that we were all friends here and it worked. They went along pretty great. It was actually shocking. I thought that he was gonna freak out.

Since they were doing so well Kristoff and I decided that we go home now. Elsa did promise to tell us her response today and I am... I mean, we are really looking forward to it.

"So, how was it bonding with Elsa?" Kristoff asked as we started to make our journey home.

"It was great. We had a lot of time to talk and bond. We really had a good time." I say as I recall the things that we did making me chuckle softly.

"Sooo, did she say anything about us? Anything you want to tell me?" He asked as if he wanted to hear something.

"If you're referring to the blessing, she wants to tell it to the both of us. The faster we get home, the faster we know her answer." I informed.

"You hear that buddy?" Kristoff said to Sven. Sven made this 'Yeah, I did' look and Kristoff grinned. "You know what to do." He said patting Sven's back and in an instant we were speeding off like the wind.

It was early evening when we arrived. We scoured the castle looking for Elsa and found her at the library with none other than Jack.

"Hey." I said softly to announce my presence.

"Oh. Hey." Elsa replied as she closed her book. "Is Kristoff with you?"

"Right here." said Kristoff as he held my hand.

Elsa stood up and turned to us with her serious face on. "I've been thinking about it a lot while Anna and I were away and just as I promised... I will now give you my answer. My answer is..."

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