Chapter 20 : Cruel Torture

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I entered the bakery to buy some bread for Anna. It was crowded in there. It took me forever to reach the counter.

After paying I went back outside. Anna wasn't there.

"Anna?" I called. I made my voice a bit loud so she could hear it.


That was Anna's voice! It came from the alley. I turned to the alley's direction and saw darkness consuming Anna. I tried to run towards her but she vanished along with the shadows.

"Bring her back, Pitch!" I screamed. But there was no answer. I have to tell Elsa now. I rushed back to the castle as fast as I could.

Stupid bakery! If it wasn't for you, I could've protected Anna.


"Wait. I'm just gonna go change." I told Jack.

"Okay" He said, standing still.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" I laughed.

"Oh, yeah, right. Sorry." Jack blushed, scratching the back of his head. He went out and waited for me.

I picked a gown that was similar to what I've worn at my coronation but it was a shade of turquoise with no long sleeves. It was an off shoulder type of dress.

I went out and found Jack freezing the carpet.

"You're gonna unfreeze that, right?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Of course." He answered. As Jack looked up, his mouth sprung open forming an 'o'.

"Wow, y-you're gorgeous." He blurted out.

"Thanks." I could feel myself blush. "Shall we?" I pointed my hand to the lobby.

"We shall." Jack said cheerfully after clearing the frost of the carpet.

He walked beside me along the way and we immediately ate as soon as we reached the dinning hall.

Lunch was pleasant. Jack and I talked about our powers and our past.

. . .

"So you're saying that you never saw Anna for 13 years?!" Jack exclaimed.

"Yeah. Shocking, right?"

"It's just...Wow! And to think that you're as close as can be right now. That's unbelievable." He said, eyes wide from astonishment.

I laughed at his remark. "Okay, enough about me, how about you?" I asked Jack as I leaned on my chair.

"Hmm. My name is Jackson Overland before I was Jack Frost. So technically, my name is Jackson Overland Frost."

"I already know that." I lightly punched his shoulder. "What else?"

"Uh- I died saving my sister. We were ice skating and I didn't notice that the ice was thin. So, to make the story short, I used a staff, which is now my staff, to get her to the part where there is thick ice and I ended at her spot on the thin ice and I fell then died. And ta-da! Man in Moon made me Jack Frost." He had this proud expression on his face which was cute, in a way.

"That was a touching story, Jack. So that's why the moon chose you as a guardian, huh?" I assumed.

"Yeah, probably. So what about our powers? What was the first thing you've done with it?"

"Hmm. Oh! I made a baby rattle for Anna. She liked it but was too cold for her to touch."

"That's sad. But at least she liked it. When did you discover you had powers?" Jack asked.

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