Chapter 46 : Wish upon the Moon

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"Anna, wake up." I shook my sister's shoulders in attempts to get her out of bed.

"Nooo... Go away, Elsa. Let me sleep." Anna whined.

"You have to wake up. We still have to practice. And we have an appointment with the seamstress, remember?" I reminded her.

"Five more minutes, please?"

"One more minute." I said firmly.

"Three minutes?" She begged, still sleepy.

"Two minutes. That's final."

She covered herself with the covers and slept soundly. I waited a few minutes, two in exact and woke Anna up again.

"It's two minutes already. Now get up." I pulled the covers, uncovering her. She sure was sloppy.

"Anna, get up. Now."

"I'm up. I'm up. See, I'm standing up now." She rubbed her eyes as she said so.

"Go take a bath, I already had Gerda prepare it for you."

"Okay." Anna yawned.

After few long minutes, Anna emerged from the bathroom, covered in a pink and yellow robe that made her face bloom.

"Your clothes are-"

" my closet? Yes, I know Elsa. You don't have to remind me." She grumbled as she took her time to put her clothes on.

She wore a light green dress whose skirt flowed below her waist perfectly.

"You look beautiful." I smiled.

Opening the door, she said: "Not as beautiful as you are. Look at you!" She directed her arms at me. "You're wearing one of your ice dresses and it brings out your beauty so much that I think you are the most beautiful person on earth."

"And right you are." Jack said, leaning from the doorway, smirking as he looked straight at me. "Good Morning, love."

"Good morning, Jack." I smiled at him as I blushed.

"And you have a charming boyfriend alongside you. How lucky can you get?" Anna teased.

"How about you? Don't you have a charming boyfriend?" Kristoff asked as he showed himself.

"Well, now that you're here, I have." She beamed. I chuckled softly as Kristoff pinched Anna's cheeks out of fondness.

"Okay, since we're all here, let's begin with what we have to do. Kristoff and Jack, go straight to the ballroom, Anna and I will be there in a few minutes." I instructed.

"For what? Please don't tell me that we have to practice for something." Jack pouted.

I gave him a stern look and he submitted. "Fine fine, we're going." He said as he and Kristoff went ahead.

Anna and I, on the other hand, found ourselves towards the room where the seamstress was for the fitting.

She was very prim and proper when we got there. "My Queen." She bowed. "I am truly sorry for the inconvenience last night. I wasn't able to accommodate your needs. I found your note and-"

"It's alright, Matilda." I said softly. "As long as you can do it in 2 days. You can do it, right?" I asked.

"Yes, Milady. I can. I've already started with Sir Kristoff and Sir Jack's suits. However, they wanted to pair their suits with your dresses so shall we get started then?"

I nodded and walked right up the platform and Matilda did what she had to do. Her skinny arms stretched and measured from head to toe. Her once black hair had strands of gray now. I haven't seen her for a long time. I barely even remembered her face. All I remembered was her silky black hair.

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