He's leaving

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This is mainly a true story. I will be changing some of it so that way my friends won't know who he is but hopefully I can persuade him to read my stories. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

It was a night when I was just playing around on my phone. I wish I remember what night it was though because it was a special night. We started texting each other and that's when I found out we go to the same school. He told me that he'll be wearing a specific jacket (I'd rather not say the colors but they aren't some colors you might be thinking. Go ahead and comment if you got a guess. Hint: There are only 2 colors.) So the next day when I went to school, I searched all over the cafeteria and me being stupid didn't realise he was already in there. So I looked all over then finally like ten minutes before the bell rang I found out.

So that night when I went home, he texted me and asked if I saw him. Of course I paused and laughed for a second then responded back yes. If only I could talk to you. We texted each other for a little while longer and I got more familiar with him. A few months later (after always waving to each other in the hallways and once saying hey to each other), we actually said something to each other. I felt like an idiot after I said it though. So here's how it went. I was with my meow (what I call my best friend who's like my sissy) and I said out loud without realising that I did, "I'm so bored." Then he said, " I'm not bored." Of course my dumb freaking self had to say, " Of course you aren't!" in a kind a sorta rude way then I just nearly fell on the floor laughing.

Do you think that was rude or I should have done that? Do you also think I should talk to him before school's over? Let me know in the comments! ;)

More towards half way throughout the school year, he texted me one night. He sounded so happy to.

Best friend: Guess what

Me: Ummmm

Best friend: I'm moving to _________ (Fill in the blank if you know what it is.)

Me: Oh, that's cool

Best friend: yeah

Me: Do you know when your leaving?

Best friend: not sure. We haven't got the papers yet

Me: Wow, I'm really going to miss you. Be sure you send me a picture of you every month or so.

Best friend: I'll miss you too! Okay

I stopped texting after that and felt a weird feeling coming from my stomach then spreading to my chest, throat, then my face. Last that feeling hit my eyes and tears came out of my eyes like never before. (Except for when my mom died. That was miserable and extremely sad.) I didn't want him to leave. We had just got to know each other again and be friends still and we're NOW going to be split apart again. Not to mention it'll be forever. Or what feels like forever. Plus, I asked if he'll ever take vacations and come back to Florida. He didn't respond back. So wasn't the answer obvious? I cried even more. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

A couple more months later, he got the papers saying when he could go. When I asked him when, he said pretty much when school's over. So he's leaving me over the summer? I'm not the going to have the summer I wished to have. I said okay and again said that I will miss him. So can anyone tell me what I was feeling? Is it that obvious? Here's a little extra I want you to know. Every night that I think about him and every memory I have left of us, I cry until I finally just fall asleep. That is how much I will miss him. Wait. No. That can't even explain how much I will miss him.

And to think that I should have never gotten a phone so that way this wouldn't happen to me could have been the best solution but it was already too late. Was this supposed to happen to me? Am I supposed to be hurt multiple times in my life? Let me know in the comments. If you have any advice, please give it to me. Also, I have questions for you guys to answer in the next chapter so be sure to read them and answer.

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