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So today I was sitting with my other sissy and my friend in Civics. We were finishing up on our brochure and I started telling them a story. It was a 100% true story though. Here's how it goes.


Alright so today during third period I was texting my boyfriend right. So these are the text messages.

Me: Can I punch a bitch in his damn mouth

Boyfriend: Y

Me: He keeps on saying shit about me

Boyfriend: Like what

Me: I go out with Daniel and stuff like that when i don't

Me: And stuff like I eat pussy (Just so you know, I don't eat pussy.)

Boyfriend: Wait what so u cheating on me. I tho we was together wtf

Me: No

Boyfriend: U go out with a dude name daniel

Me: I don't go out with Dan

Boyfriend: Mhmm

Me: Emerie was joking around and it's annoying

Boyfriend: K

Me: I love you and you only

Boyfriend: Ok

Me: I wont ever cheat on you

Me: You should know that

Boyfriend: K

Me: what you wanna do

Boyfriend: Idk

Me: okay

Me: r u okay

Boyfriend: Ya

Me: Alright

Me: Just checking because you haven't been texting back

Me: Like you were with truth or dare

Boyfriend: I'm babysitting

Me: oh thats cool who you babysitting

Boyfriend: my nephew


I underlined the word boyfriend for a reason, to point out something. The thing I was trying to point out is that if I HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND I LOVE HIM BUT I ALSO LOVE MY BEST FRIEND. My sissy said, "So you are so crushed right now." Then I just realised how bad this was getting. So I am trying to take advice but so far, but I have not found the courage to ask him if he likes me and that I like him. I feel like either way I go, I am having a long distance relationship. I can handle it with 'Kevin Will', my bae, but I couldn't handle it with my best friend.

Also yearbooks came out yesterday so every time I look at his picture, my eyes drift off to his eyes. Then I stare into his eyes and it feels like he's looking right back at me and I can't stop. It's miserable. But I love him. I can't help it. I need quick advice before 5/31/17 on whether or not I should talk to him.

Earlier today during dismissal, me and my friend was walking and he was kind of behind me. I wanted to talk to him but I couldn't so I wanted to cry. With love, I get really emotional (Sometimes).
If I was to give him my account for Wattpad, I'd have to delete this story unless if he already knew I liked him but yea. 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

So sad.


Help me!!!!


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