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Today I was texting Jordan. We were talking a lot and stuff. So what happened is he told me that he doesn't like the ocean because he nearly drowned. I told him that one time I was with my babysitter at the beach. I told him that I was in the ocean when a huge wave pulled me under. Then I hit my head back and elbows a couple times and I couldn't swim up to breath because it was like multiple waves in wave so I was down for probably 2-3 minutes.

He told me that I was a very strong little girl. Then later on he told me that all he wanted was to say goodbye and he never texted me back. I probably was texting him like crazy. No response. They were always read but never responded to. No matter what he never responded. I know he was hurting. But I'm worried. He was either crying or killed himself. If he killed himself I know that I would never find another man that loved me like he did. If he is still alive, I will find him and kiss him and hold him and never let him go.

If he is still alive, I will break up with my boyfriend probably next month if I don't grow to attached to him. When I am single, I will either go back to Jordan or hunt for love or just live life. But Jordan will want me. I know he will always. And I will always want him to. I can't continue my story, The Soul Mate, if he's dead. He is the purpose I wrote it.

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