What I feel

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Obviously this chapter is about what I feel every time I see my friend. Let me stop talking now and get on with this book.

Every time I am outside waiting for my Meow's bus to arrive, I think about him. Then I start to feel that weird feeling. You know. The one that spread. Yes that one. Well, it happens and then out of nowhere I nearly start to cry. But then because others are around and his bus shows up I start thinking about something else to get it off my mind. Still having trouble guessing what I feel about him or no? Then I walk right by him and there's my meow! I always look at him but never talk to him even though I want to so bad. When we walk into the cafeteria... I'm sorry. I'm watching a very touching show. They are having almost the same issues. Anyway, when we walk in the cafeteria, I am behind his friend and my friend is right in front of him. So we can get as close as right beside each other and not even talk once. We were going to video chat on the day he's leaving but I can't handle that. I love him. I swear this hurts to even be writing this right now. I hate this! I hate this! I hate this! 😭😭😭😭😭 Why does he have to leave me?

A couple hours later...
Sorry guys. I started to get off topic then started crying my heart out...wait for it....Again!!! So yea. Let's try this again. So we were going to video chat but I got my phone token away for doing something. If you wanna know why I got it taken away, pm me. Every time I see him in the hallway, I don't wave anymore. It's like I'll do anything around him to get his attention but when I have it I can't do anything anymore.

If I date him, we won't be able to touch each other because he's to far away. We won't be able to see each other except through Facebook Messenger, Skype, Kik, and pictures of each other along with videos. We couldn't talk to each other without the first three apps that I listed anyway. Completely true fact right here.

So that's how I feel around my friend. And around the end of the book, I will reveal some information about us. I love you all and hope you enjoy this book so far. I am new at this. And when it comes to expressing my feelings I don't do it that good.

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