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So I've been texting Jordan and we've been roleplaying since yesterday. The weird part is that whenever we end up roleplaying, I have to go and leave him. I don't like it that much but I still do it. The roleplay with him is making me inspired to do a story about it so if I do, be sure to read it!

In the roleplay, so far if I can remember this right, we were in the house and we were arguing and all that cause he didn't wanna get me pregnant cause we weren't ready for a baby. I got mad and so I started walking towards the park. He called out to me and so a couple seconds later I stopped walking and looked at him. He told me that it's just he doesn't know if I want to use protection or not. Of course we were beside each other when that happened.

I told him I could care less as long as I'm with you. He picked me up and said you ready to be a mom? I said yes. He then said something like okay then, let's hurry up. So when we got to his house, he couldn't find his house key. I went over to the window, opened it, and jumped through it while saying something. He called me a bad ass and I followed him up the stairs to his bedroom. He picked me up and put me on the bed.

Then we had sex and all that bull crap. The thing I felt bad about was accidentally calling Jordan, Brandon. But you see, to be fair in my story The Soul Mate, Jordan is Brandon. And also right before I texting him back calling him Brandon I was trying to edit one of my chapters. You understand, right? So yeah. After sex, we decided that in the roleplay, it'd be a coupling months later and I was pregnant.

This was what we did today. So I don't rely remember the morning of it but it ended up in Jordan begging me to make his favorite pancakes and since I was tired, I was laying down on the couch. I told him I wouldn't do it today. He got sad and said he'll just eat cereal instead. I told him good luck with that cause we ate it all yesterday. He told me, look honey, I know your pregnant and all then he started talking to my belly and started talking to the babies.

He went to the store to buy food. I told him I wanted Doritos but to be fair, I really did want them. So while he was at the store, I got up, took a shower, put on a robe, fell asleep on the couch, answered Jordan's phone call, threw my phone on the carpet in the living room, went back to sleep, fell off the couch, was awakened by Jordan screaming wtf bae and I hit my head on the coffee table.

He carried me to the bedroom and let me sleep. Of course I pulled out a trash can from under my bed so I could throw up in it if I had to. So the babies kicked twice and that resulted in me throwing up the second time and going downstairs soon after. He was watching football and drinking soda when I came in. He asked me how I slept and I told him. He hugged me and I told him that whenever he's gone to work or somewhere, they kick me and hurt me.

He told me a little bit later he had to go to work so I looked down, my hair covered part of my face, and said okay. He took out his phone and called in. His boss understood that I was pregnant and needed Jordan today at home. He told Jordan it'd count as one of his sick days so he could still get paid. He told me all that crap and then around 2 in the afternoon, we ate some of the barbeque Jordan made while I was sleeping. (I don't remember if that happened but it just seems like it did so I put it down.)

That was the roleplay so far or at least what I remembered of it. Somehow when I tried summarizing it, it got out of order but still. Hope you enjoyed! If you wanna know what we do tomorrow, I'll try to do screenshots and publish them for my next chapter. Remember to click the star button down below and comment to! Bye for now! ;)

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