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Okay, so I'm going to break up with my boyfriend. Only because I have a new boyfriend and because he doesn't have time for me because he is busy wit "work". Work my booty. I feel like he's lying too me plus he accused me of cheating before I started dating Jordan. I actually texted him today this:

Look, I'm going through some really tough things rn with my friend being gone in Missouri and not talking to me. And then you working and not being able to talk to me either isn't helping me. Can we just take a break for a while until I get my friendship straight? I will go right back with you after I do. Please don't think I'm doing this because I don't like you anymore. I love you! Its just I have my friend Kevin that is willing to help me and be here for me (literally right here for me) to get through this. Don't be mad at me. Please. If you don't want this to happen be calm. For a while (I suggest 5-7 weeks at the most) to help me get better. Plus I will right back with you. Believe me, I love you sweetie. Don't be mad.

So yeah that's what I told him. Well now you see, I got a boyfriend and my other friend asked me out. And this is how it went... It turns out I deleted the messages. Sorry guys. Anyway yeah, these are the last messages from my boyfriend and I:

Jordan: Wow

Me: What???!!! Tell me

Jordan: Your amazing u know that

Me: Okay what's going on here I feel like your lying to me Tell me the truth Please

Jordan: I'm not lying to you

Ok ok ok it's just all afternoon I was thinking about you And that song u asked me to listen to Was in my dream Me and you was both listening to that song together And I woke up Crying because that song showed me how much I really love you

Me: I still feel like something is wrong or you were lying to me

Jordan: No boo I was just crying

Me: Yea sure For at least 3 too 5 hours What ever

Jordan: Bae I'm not lying to you

Me: My friend loves me (a different one, not the  other one who moved) and asked me out What should I say

Jordan: Say yes I guess

Me: Fr Ur gonna give me

Jordan: If u like him then go ahead I understand

Me: Ur not the one I thought u were I thought you'd be protective of us But just saying stuff and including IG just proves you don't care about me

Jordan: I do care Felisha What I'm supposed to do when u told me that stuff about u and your friend You guys really love one another I want you to be happy Even if That means you Dating another guy I love you forever

Me: Okay I like him a little but I don't love him  And I understand u wanting me to be happy But that's messed up you'll just give me up without a fight
Jordan: No Wait

Me: What Hurry up

Jordan: I didn't know if u wanted me to fight But if that's what I gotta do then that's what I'll do

Me: Okay But don't Not today Or tomorrow Wait

Jordan: But your mines only
Me: Ik Good night Just forget we had this part our conversation *smiles and kisses you* Text ta tomorrow

Jordan: *kisses u back* ok ily goodnight

Me: Bye

Jordan: Bye

You see, he is so loving and caring. He's mine though. He'll do anything for me. He loves me. Except I want to say something. Earlier when I said I like him a little but I don't love him, I lied. I do like him. That is my friend that moved. Jordan will always be my man, whether we are friends or a couple. I'm going to break up with him for a while though.

I really love him. I also love Kevin, the other Kevin, and my friend. I guess right now I am just vulnerable because of my friend that left me. I will get right back with him after Kevin (the second one) and I break up. Be sure to read my story the phantom and also Helping is easy. And I'm also doing something different. Every time I update, there will be a new shout out. The shout out for now is Supergirls456, my sissy, meow, and best friend, an interesting writer and one of the best people I so far have met in my life.

Also, does anybody have any questions for or about me? Just asking! ;)

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