Life In The Eyes Of Santana Lopez (All rights to Fox)

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Pretend all you want, but no one really knows me. yeah people know i'm a lesbain and i WILL go all Lima Hights if you piss me off. but there are somethings people will never know...

The Day Brittany Moved in

It  was smiles and happiness she unpacked her stuff and her cats stuff. She even brought her bed. We moved in as friends not as a couple, i forgot to mention that i had a date with Dani (my girlfriend), Brittany didn't even know i had girlfriend. Dani showed up with flowers and looking beautiful as ever, she kissed me on the cheek and Brittany walked in the room and said with a braking voice " i'm Brittany, Santana's roomate and ex-lady lover."  and i stood there with the roses in my hand trying to process what just happened, Dani smiled and said clamly " hey Brittany. i'm Dani, her current girlfriend. i was just gonna go to dinner with her." Dani looked at me, i was still standing still confused " but you guys are busy then we can always go out another time." i finally moved and spoke " no, Dani it's fine we can go out. As long as Brittany knows where the food is, she'll be fine." Dani held both my hands and said quickly "no babe it's fine. i'll text you later." 

A week later

Brittany must have brought a girl home as when i was up waiting for my bagel to toast, i found a girl walking out waering just a t-shirt and slippers. Brittany wasn't to fare behind the girl who looked like someone i know. i spoke already pissed off " what the hell is this!? and who the hell are you!?" the girl rplayed with a sweet voive " don't you remeber me Santana?"  i put my cup on the table so hard it smashed i started yelling " QUINN! YOU SLEPT WITH BRITTANY!" i slapped her and through her to the ground Brittany ran in and said quuietly " stop it!" I slapped Quinn so hard i heard a the noise the hand made while it moved to her face, Quinn started crying and she wimpered " i didn't sleep with Brittany! she just let me sleep in the same bed as her, i needed a place to crash." I crossed my arms and yelled " you expect me to believe that bullcrap! please Q! You live in Yale with all the other nerds!" Quinn was even more desprete " I got expelled!" i interupted her " wow! good girl teen mom got expelled! thats hard to believe!" Quinn began to try to stand up, Brittany went over to help her up. "why were you explelled?" i countinued. Quinn wipped her eyes with the tissue that Britany gave her and she spoke with a very broken voive " the princible found out about my relationship with one the the professers and he got fired and expelled me!" she started crying even harder, Brittany hugged her. i felt sorry for her " and the couch wasn't good enouh for you!?" Brittany spoke insted of Quinn while she was getting ice for Quinn's face " she was going to take to couch but i made her sleep with me, she was a sad little panda, i though it would be a nice comfort for her."  I grabed my jacket and opened the door i turned around and yelled " no me gusta!" and left.

Thats how it all began....

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