Oh no

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It's been a day since Quinn and Brittany learned I was on antidepressants. We hardly spoke and Brittany just gave me these looks as if she was missing me and I was slowly pulling away (which would never happen). The medication is working and I fear that only Berry can help me with my love life as she has had one good boyfriend (Finn) and two crappers (Brody and Jessie).

I met Rachel at my favourite diner in Willamsburg and she was both happy that we were talking again and scared about what I might do. After Rachel took a sip of her water she asked with a croaky voice " Santana? Why did you ask me to meet you here?" I looked to the side unwanting to start. Rachel gasped and said panicking "oh no! You know about me being pregnant with Finn's child!" My eyes widen and my jaw fell. "What!? Your pregnant!? I asked you here cause I needed your advice on love, as I am on antidepressants and Brittany has been giving me these looks as if she's missing me and I'm leaving." Rachel adjusted her self and said '' oh. Well you shouldn't let your metal health create a problem. She can help you and you need to let her help you, let her know just how much you love her." I sat there an I looked down knowing that berry was right... A breathed heavily and said "yeah, can I just say one thing?" Rachel rolled her eyes and said "what?" I smirked and said with a bitchy tone " I can't believe your pregnant again and you wouldn't put out in high school and I'm glad that this father is going to be a good one" Rachel half heatally smiled. " Since I've helped you, will you help me tell Finn?"

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