finally truth out

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brittana back together.... what a simple heaven. unholy trinity living together. now i'm not a huge fan of reading stories that have a happy ending as they don't happen, but over the past year i am more positive then ever that luck doesn't excit only work. i faght for Brittany harder then i have ever before and it payed off. i now know what happiness feels like.

love or pain:

me and Brittany were laying on the couch and we were watching Pretty Little Lairs. then Quinn ran through the door and said " i just saw Rachel, Kurt, Blaine, Sam and Mercedes! you have to come to lunch with me! we decided to go to a diner! you can tell them your big news!" i slowly stood up unwilling to move from Brittany's arms. I spoke and faked a smile " that sounds nice Q. we should go to a cute little run-down diner in Williams-burg. plus theres an adorable witty waitress who you must adore!"  Brittany jumped up and grabbed my arm "but i'm not telling them about us getting back together. i don't want to be seen as a freak. i want to be a normal person, and if i'm dating a girl i'm not going to get treated that way again. so i'm dating a guy i met at a coffee shop and that's it. Santana and i aren't together to them, only us three know the truth." my heart just broke. i could feel my throat beginning to dry up and tears in my eyes made it impossible to see. she was ashamed of who she is? she is ashamed of me? ashamed of being my girlfriend? i could feel my heart aching. Quinn spoke just as confused as me " what? your not a freak. there is nothing wrong with who you are, it doesn't matter what others think of you cause only your true friends accept you." Brittany nodded " i just can't stand of been seen different." Quinn gave her a sympathy smile and said " but a beard Brittany?i can't believe you have a beard. your hurting the guy and even worse that makes your girlfriend feel like crap." 

the office:after the uncomfortable afternoon of lies. i found that Evanescence was my comfort and that i finally took someones advice and i went to see a therapist and i ended up with anti-depressants. i always knew on some level i needed them, but to think my own girlfriend drove me to see someone is beyond words. i know i can't talk to anyone other than Quinn, who would tell Brittany what i said. when got home, Quinn had somehow discovered where i had been, and being her usual selfish self she didn't even come to me first (in private) she just said with a little hint of bitch in her voice " so Santi. why were you in a therapist office?" i through my bag at her which held my medication without thinking and i spoke trying not to let the pain show "don't ever call me Santi again! i have no comments on the matter. but you should go as you are clearly a stalker!" Quinn took the opportunity to go through my bag that i had stupidly thrown at her. she found my medication and yelled "Brittany! home in here right now!" Brittany yelled back "why!? i'm blow drying my hair." Quinn tooked at the tablets again and yelled back " it's an emergency! it's about Santana!" Brittany walked out fast and she said oddly calm " what about Santana?" Quinn through Brittany the box of my tablets and i stood there trying to find a way out of this situation. 

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