Unholy Trinity

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Quinn didn't come home for a week, which is a good thing considering me and Brittany spent pretty much the entire time making-out and having sex. and no, i'm not cheating on Dani as she dumped me after 3 days of the awkward run in with Brittany, i guess it's for the best...

When Quinn came home, she looked like a mess and her stuff was still on the floor. She took a glance at it when eyes wonderd off mine and back again. she sat down and said quietly and being carful with her wording " look San, i'm so sorry. i thought it would be fun. i would never soberly ruin your relationship. you too must have been pretty pissed off at me since my stuff is on the floor with some of it broken...." i quickly looked at the pil and responded fast " well, me and Brittany have been a little bit distacted to notice... we probly accidently stepted on it while on our way to the bedroom....."  Quinn shocked her head and smiled " right. i'm glad you to are back together. you really were an amzing couple.' i put my hand up qucickly and said " oh. no. were not. were friends with benifets..  they way i like it.. plus i can't handle the pressers of a reationship...." Quinn slitly smiled but nodded in agreement.

Brittany and Quinn sorted out, whatever there problem was

The Unholy Trinity was back just was we said at gradution " starting together, ending together." 

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