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regrets excit no matter what we do... everysince i blackedout things have been really weird between us and Quinn now sleeps in my bed until she buys her own. i keep waking up with her face baired in my boobs... i keep picture its Brittany though... i regret not taking Brittany by the hand and getting down on my knee and asking her to marry me.. but now i've missed my chance and shes gone.... i also regret making Kurt move-out aswel as Rachel.

i woke-up at 7:30 and got ready for my dance class at NYDA, i didn't see Brittany sadly and the only time i saw Quinn was when i was trying to claim out of bed with out waking her up.  i left at 8:30am and got there just in time for my class to start at 9:15. it was a full day class it went from 9:15-3pm. it was hard specailly the secound period.  i'm glad it ended so i could hurry home to see my sweet Brittany.


i pretty much ran home to see her! but when i got home Brittany was all dressed up and waiting by the door as if she was waiting for me i ran up to her she was smiling and said " santana!" i kissed her and she kissed me back. Brittany spoke when she pulled away and said " i have a date. but i'll love to contuie our lady love when we get back." my eyes grow huge and yelled " what!? you have a date!? what about us? i thought you would like to get back together with me!" Brittany took a step back and said " well, you never told me you had a girlfriend Santana."  i was shocked and i held her hand and said " i'm sorry but i.... i...." Brittany interruped me with a kiss and said " you also never told me you slept with Quinn and the wedding..." i kissed her with so much force she ramped up agenst the wall and i started kissing her neck and she starting moaning, there was so heat between us. i tried to move her towards my bedroom but i heard the noise of Quinn's highheels clicking agent the wood floor, Quinn walked in with Brittany pushed up agesnt the wall with her legs wrapped around my waist and my lips sucking on her neck. we slowly moved out of our sexy positions awkwardly. Quinn stood there looking like someone cheated on her and she moved her head up to push her hair out of her face. She moved her foot around before she spoke and she spoke with a nice cold voice " Brittany. are you ready for our date? to get back at Santana for you?" my eyes widen once again and i screamed " what!? are you freaking kidding!? Brittany how could you do this to me!?" Brittany interruped me and said "wait. your mad? i just wanted to know what it was like with Quinn?" i ignored her comment and kept screaming " Quinn! i let you sleep in my bed!" i start grabbing Quinn's stuff and while i do that i keep going with my speech " but now you can sleep on a bus bench!" i give her, her pillow and search for more of her stuff. Quinn throughs down her pillow and started yelling back " i'm not moving! you were the one who lied to Brittany! you're the one who kept the secret!" i through her stuff at her and yelled back at her even more pissed off "who the hell do you think your talking to Q!?" Quinn did her slapable bitch smile and replayed in her fake sweet smile " aw. San. relax i wouldn't still your rainbow minded ex-girlfriend. i like someone who isn't the scarecrow from The Wizard Of Oz." i stop looking for more of her stuff the add to her pile on the floor, i walk over to her and start yelling at her in spanish with Brittany holding me back from me going Lima Heights on Quinn's ass! Quinn got scared and ran off tripping over her pile of her crap at least 5 times on her way out.

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