To everyone

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This is for everyone especially the people out there who are like me. Please dont give up i have recently had a good friend of mine attempt suicide. Please if you ever feel the need to die write,listen to music, talk or do something to get your mind of it. No one deserves to die especially the ones who dont want to die who just want to be saved from their own demons. Even if you feel like things wont get better trust me they will it might take time but you cant have a rainbow without a little rain. I used to feel and still do sometimes that thing are hopeless, that they wont get better but they do it might take time but they do trust me. Things are hell for me right now but i know i have to get past it and survive. I am surrounded by darkness and my hope is dwindling quickly but i know that no matter what my friends will always be there for me. If your out there reading this and are going threw hell to i bet your friends are there for you to and if they are not just know i am. Please remember that no matter what someone somewhere cares about you. I know i care about everyone even the people i dont like. Your life matters everyones life does. 

"Darling youll be okay" ~Vic Fuentes 

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