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Most people see them self in the future years ahead full filling their hopes and dreams. Me on the other hand I see my future but my future isn't seen in years its seen in days and weeks. Yes I have long term goals such as graduating from high school and getting my degrees in music and forensics. But my main goals are set for either a month ahead, weeks ahead or days ahead. My main goals are daily goals, my main goals are; to survive the day without breaking down and crying, to not break my promise to my friends and cut again, to not let my mask break, to make my friends happy, and to not cry myself to sleep at night. Every morning I remind myself of those 5 goals and I spend the day trying to accomplish them. Yes i see myself in the future but it hurts my to plan ahead more than a few months. The next day is never promised the only thing promised is the sad reality of death so don't take it for granted

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