Training and Almost Dying

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I sighed, sometimes, I swear Shika ate a container of yew berries.

Shika was walking on her hands, most of the way, until she got to her feet, "Hey, Sasuke, let's sing the emo song!"

"E is for emotions-they get in everybody's way

M is for misery

O is for something that I cannot remember!

Here in the emo brain!"

Shika burst into laughter, and I rolled my eyes, but a wide smirk was placed on my lips.

Sasuke was extremely annoyed, "Why?"

"Cuz you can't speak English when it comes to full sentences! You're also a total shut in," Shika said.

"Hn, whatever," Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"See, he did it again!" Shika laughed.

"Shika, you have mental issues," I groaned.

"What? The yew berries really did something amazing! Do you know how fun it is to get out of hand from time to time?" Shika asked.

"Whatever, just shut up!" I growled.

"Fine..." Shika grumbled.

We walked along, mostly in silence, except for Shika humming the "emo song" and I started joining her.

However, I do not sing in front of people.

Not by myself at least.

Kakashi and Hachiro stopped, "You guys are going to be climbing trees."

Sakura's POV

I was explaining chakra to that dummy Naruto, when he asked how climbing tree helped to control chakra.

"Without your hands, baka!" Shika called playfully.

We looked where the voice was coming from, to see Shika and Akira up there at the top of two different trees.

"We've been doing this since we were in diapers, come on sensei," Akira said.

"Okay, you two will be guarding Tazuna," Hachiro said.

If Akira can do it, then I can do it better.

I ran up the tree as The boys were still talking, and Tachi joined me, we both made it to the top, and I was about to say something to him, but he was already talking to Akira and Shika.

(A/N: Poor Sakura just got shot down...Who am I kidding, I hate Sakura and her uselessness with a passion)

( A/N2: Hey we know she's useless but calm down)

"Well, looks like these four might be able to have a better chance at becoming the Hokage than you do Naruto, and Sasuke, don't worry, I'm sure Akira and Shika can avenge your clan for you," Kakashi taunted.

"Oh wow, that's a bit harsh..." Akira mumbled under her breath.

"You actually care?" I snorted.

Akira glared at me, "Having your dreams thrown back in your face and crushed is an awful thing."

"Says the girl who doesn't have one," I snapped.

Akira growled at me, her eyes turned a charcoal color, and I felt pain in my head.

"Don't test me, scum like you who only worry about boys and have 'stereotypical teenage girl syndrome' don't deserve to know the first thing about me, no wonder Sasuke finds you annoying," Akira snarled.

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