Chunin Exams and One Month for Training

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Akira's POV

I waved, "Hey guys."

"Whoa, what happened to your arm!?" Naruto asked.

"I have a cast on it for fun. I broke it, why else would there be a cast on it, baka?" I rolled my eyes.

"So why did Kakashi and Hachiro-sensei call us here?" Shika asked, a permanent scowl on her face.

"What happened with you two?" Sasuke asked.

"Sasuke, last thing you want is to ask these two that, never question angry girls, I learned that the hard way..." Tachi shuddered.

I tried throwing a shuriken with my right hand, only to fail miserably, and hit to the left of where I was aiming.

"Need some help?" Tachi asked.

I nodded, my face red with embarrassment, "My right hand was always shaky..."

"Well, first, your stance is off," Tachi said, he grabbed my hips and made me turn back a little.

"Okay..." my face burned so horrifically I had to turn away.

Shika's POV

Tachi's pretty bold, Akira would kick a guy in the uprights if they touched her so familiarly.

Tachi said something, and they both started laughing.

Why hasn't she hit him yet? I want to see some action!

Sasuke looked away, "When you're done flirting over there, feel free to join us!"

All over Sasuke's face was a look of anger, disgust, and...oh my god.

I burst into laughter, making Sasuke glare at me.

"What's so funny?" Naruto asked.

"Sasuke's jealous! Sasuke's jealous!" I sang.

Naruto joined me, holding my hands and dancing with me.

"You guys are both idiots," Sasuke growled.

Tachi had a hold of her wrist, he was guiding her through the motions, I smiled, maybe...

I watched as Akira hugged Tachi tightly, but as soon as she was about to step forward, she almost fell, except Tachi caught her.

Sasuke was still glaring at me, so I returned it with the most obnoxious smirk I could give, and he huffed, "I don't really care about what you say or think, but I am NOT jealous."

"That not what your face said five minutes ago," I teased.

"People shouldn't be so-"

"Akira-chan! What happened?" Sakura asked.

"Nothing serious, Shika dropped this kind of acidic stuff on my food while she was testing it out, so I took some herbs to negate should be done healing by now," Akira said.

Akira slowly unwrapped her ankle, revealing a perfectly healthy foot.

Akira put her foot back in her shoe.

"Great, you're all here," Kakashi said.

"You told us to meet you here an hour ago," Sakura pointed out.

"Not the point, we're here to tell you we signed you up for the Chunin exams, you have a month to prepare and decide whether you want to join, if you all decide to participate..." Hachiro went on, and by then, I stopped listening.

"Well, count us in," Tachi said, wrapping an arm around Akira and I.

"What about you, Sakura?" I asked.

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