Defeating Boys and Eating Way Too Much Ramen

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"Haha! Beat your asses again, bow down to your queens!" Shika cheered, high-fiving me.

"Okay, now, Shika, Tachi and I have been gone on and off due to missions, so, I got a new jutsu that I want to try, and I have no idea what it does, anyone wanna find out?" I asked.

"Akira-chan, isn't that dangerous?" Naruto asked.

"I ask that every time, and she always says the same thing..." Shika said.

"It'll be totally fine, and very worth it," I grinned.

Sasuke smirked, "This is the first time I've seen you act this way, kinda like a kid."

"Well, there was that time with the food," Naruto said.

"I mean of her own volition, dobe," Sasuke said.

I smiled, "Everyone, put your hands in the center, close your eyes and focus on your chakra flow."

They did what they were told, and I put my hands over theirs, closed my eyes, and focused on the chakra flow moving between us.

But instead of the clicking feeling I get in an eye jutsu, or a snapping feeling in my gut...the chakra colors of everyone changed, they all switched around.

I opened my eyes, and what I saw shocked me.

I was face to face with...myself!?

I looked down, I'm in Naruto's body!

I smiled, "I can body swap!"

"I'm...Akira!?" Naruto shouted.

Naruto suddenly became confused and was about look down my shirt before I punched him, "Stop, you Baka!

"Ooh! Let's try it again!" Shika grinned, still in her own body, "Everybody's hands in!"

I did it again, and this time I was in...Sasuke's body.

"Ha! I'm Naruto, bring it on!" I'm guessing Shika yelled.

"You're loud enough to pretend to be Naruto," Sasuke was in my body.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Naruto shouted, yup, definitely in Shika's body.

What happened next was utter chaos.

Sasuke wasn't used to having a huge tail behind him so he fell backwards when he tried to walk.

I tried to help him only to fall forward on top of him...her?

I didn't feel embarrassed, yet my cheeks felt incredibly warm, and Sasuke's face was entirely red.

Oh god, we were both blushing.

I bit my lip and slowly got up before helping Sasuke up, who was really uncomfortable with my tail behind him.

Naruto laughed, "Haha, Sasuke-"

Before Naruto could say anything stupid, he fell backwards...on his tail...

Oh god that has to hurt.

Shika and I winced, and I rubbed the spot where my tail would (and used to) be.

"I'm going to feel that in the morning..." Shika said.

Naruto winced, "Ow!"

I stood straight, "We should probably change ba-"

"No, these boys always say how hard it is to live like they do, so, if they think their lives are hard, they should try our lives out," Shika grinned evilly.

"B-but...! You do realize how different guys are from girls!?" I yelled.

I shifted uncomfortably, it's weird having something between my legs...

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